As an Auditor … What car do you Drive ?

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  • #172254

    I have a 2000 Montero sport … and since i graduated ! My uncle is telling me that i should get a brand new Camry !!!!

    Lol its too much money … but i’m wondering if that would be a right move for a fresh graduate with a new job … I am married and there is a baby on the way btw …

    What do U Drive ? what did u drive as a first year auditor ?

    his idea is that i should get something reliable … What do u Think ?

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  • #355080

    Once I get some money saved up it HAS to be American with a V8…perhaps a Camaro or Challenger. It will be few years so hopefully the depreciation will make them cheaper later on.

    I want something that makes me feel like I'll die when I mash the pedal 😀

    No motorcycles though…too scary


    lotus evora

    R PASS
    A PASS
    B PASS

    Inactive … I love top gear …


    Don't get a Camry(toaster on wheels). Reliable doesn't have to be boring.


    Per “Stop Acting Rich”, Statistically, the average millionaire drives a Camry 🙂


    Thanks everyone for your replies …

    well … I guess my uncle is rich so he probably thinks i can afford what he affords! but … I'm just wondering what other auditors drive … seems like no1 wants to answer the question !

    I dont want to start my life with more loans !


    I'm not an auditor. However, I do drive a Chevy Silverado truck.


    I want to buy this older camo chevy truck one block from my house, but if I ever find a job I didn't know if I should show up in a vehicle like that. I think it's totally cool though. Does it matter what kind of vehicle you drive?


    I really doubt it does…. but if u need your car to go to client sites everyday … I assume u would have to have a good car that will get u there .

    I'm not sure mine is up for the task … it has some problems …


    I would like to learn how to drive a motorcycle one day. In fact, I made it a life goal of mine. It would be nice to cut through traffic, especially if you have to go to client's site and you hate NPR or don't have the habit of making your commute time into production time.

    I have a question, when you go to a client's site, do you guys carpool? I mean, it is always a team that goes together, isn't it?

    Admittedly, it is scary. I think one person on this forum said that he quit a Big 4 because his boss made him stay pass 1:00AM and he almost died from crashing. Guess it would be worse to fall asleep on a motorcycle.


    The accord is quite reliable and very low maintenance.

    B 2/12 87
    A 11/11 90
    R 8/11 86
    F 5/12 88


    I'm a first year, Auditor! I drive a 2010 Sonata (used of course). I actually got a pretty good deal on it, but I bought it out of necessity bc the car I drove in college literally died the week after I graduated.

    BEC - 90 PASSED
    FAR - 84 PASSED
    AUD - 93 PASSED
    REG - 84 PASSED

    I DID IT!!!!

    Using Becker Self-Study

    "If we were put here to carry a great weight, then the very things we hate are here to build those muscles."

    The Dingo

    I'm not a fan of saying, go out an get some debt. In your first year, you're still driving the beater from college, that's okay, but by the time you make senior, you'll be taking people to lunch, maybe picking up the partner from the airport and by the time you make manager, you have business development and community involvement.

    Any new CPA can save $15,000 over two years and buy a reliable used car in the Camry / Accord / etc. line that will carry you for a while, or you can go coo coo and drop $50 grand an a big hondin' SUV, but just like having your shirt pressed and being well-kempt, your vehicle will send a message.


    I drive an Aston Marton DBS with a Tick Mark launcher in the back and industrial shredder in the glove box….Bond, Auditor Bond…make that reconciliation shaken, not stirred.


    I have a buddy who makes $300k a year and drives a 1999-ish Chevy Coupe of some sort.

    No one cares what you drive and if they're impressed by a car – you should stay away from them anyway.


    I drive a 2006 Silverado that I got at an auction for $6k babbbbyyyyy!!!!!


    I have never been an auditor, but I can agree with the fact of not getting into debts “just because”.

    I have had 2 cars in my life (I am almost 32 now). A Mitsubishi (1996) that I left behind in PR when I moved to FL. That car was amazing, it had like 10 years, but the A/C and the sound system worked perfectly fine….good enough to survive in an island 😉

    Now I have and SUV, but my husband paid for it. Currently, having no debts/auto loans outstanding, I am hoping that my car last for at least 5 more years………as long as the A/C and the radio work….

    Done 😉
    Class of 2012!!!!
    Lots of prayers and hard work....

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