Anyone score 75-80 on REG? How did you feel walking out?

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  • #172396

    Hi All,

    I took REG earlier today and think I may have just barely squeaked by. Anyone ever just barely passed REG? I’d love to hear your thoughts on how you felt walking out. Dejected? Confident? A sense that you had just barely made it?

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  • #356068

    I took it twice, the first time I took it I felt confident I passed it since I thought I can answer most of them. I failed with a 73. The second time I took it, it was so much harder, a lot of the questions were so different and I was not sure how to answer them. I felt terrible and I thought for sure I would fail. I managed to pass with 78.

    So, I guess there is no sure thing until the test result come out. Just embrace yourself, be strong when you get a failed score and keep on trying. There is always a chance that you pass it and I certainly hope you do pass the REG! Good Luck!


    i passed the first time around with a 76. i left feeling miserable because i only got 3 weeks to study right after tax season and i had to take my exam before my NTS expired. i guess being after tax season worked for me.

    i thought i did decent on the multiple choice but the sims killed me. somehow, i did not as well on the MC but stronger on the sims.


    Yeah, I'm pretty anxious after my experience today. MC's were about what I was expecting, SIM's were very challenging. I passed BEC and AUD safely feeling just a little bit better after the tests than I do today. I'm hoping that translates into a low yet passing score for REG. I'm just grasping at straws here though…trying to make the 1 month+ wait more bearable!


    I felt pretty bad when i left my REG exam and when i actually found out that i passed i was a little embarrassed at work because i had told everyone how poorly i did and i was very upset.

    BEC 73, 71, 79 (1/3/12)
    AUD 48, 70 (1/31/12), 85 (4/9/12)
    REG 70, 61, 77 (2/29/12)
    FAR 42, 74 (5/29/12), 80 (7/16/12)
    Ethics - 98 (4/20/12)
    Officially a CPA (8/9/12)


    I barely squeaked by with a 75. The whole time up until I got my score, I just knew I had failed the exam. I was devising my plan for a retake. It could have gone either way but luckily for me it went in my favour.

    FAR-Passed (I AM DONE!!! THANK U LORD!!!!)
    Licensed Texas CPA - 10/2012


    I took REG today too, blehhh. I honeslty think I might have failed. I did well on the SIMS I think, but some of the multiple choice were a total joke. Not even in my Becker book, just looked. So I would say I had to guess on like 6 questions… totally not good. I think from what I could find I picked a few of the correct answers (cross my fingers). But I feel like you usually do better than you think you did right? I'm gonna go with that theory for the next month because if I pass, I'm done and if I fail… I've got to study again. Eek. @OneExamAtATime… It sounds like you did just fine, better than me anyway! haha. Good luck to you, I hope we all don't crazy waiting for our scores!

    FAR - 82
    BEC - 77
    AUD - 79
    REG - 81

    Done 🙂


    I though I failed for sure. I was guessing my score to be a 65-70 and I ended up with an 89

    AUD 79
    REG 89
    BEC 79
    FAR 8/18/12


    It's such a mixed bag. Last time I took it I felt positive coming out, but not confident. By the time the scores came out I was convinced I failed. It ended up that I had a 74.

    Today I walked out feeling pessimistic. Those effing SIMs . . .. 🙁


    I have taken REG so many times it's sad. I've had every feeling walking out that you can imagine. I've even had to run out of the testing room to throw up because I was so upset. On my last attempt, I had listened to Jeff's Audio over and over again. During the exam, I was about to miss a question when I heard Jeff's voice in my head telling me the rule. When I walked out I knew I had finally passed the beast that caused me to lose my FAR and BEC scores. I got an 84. We all learn differently and I finally found out how I needed to learn REG. I just had to listen to Jeff for days and days until the rules sunk in my head. I walked out of BEC, when I finally passed it, and called my boss to say “I'll be taking that one again.” I got an 82. I've learned not to put too much stock in my initial feeling after an exam.

    mena je twa

    To all….

    How you tested in any of the 4 parts is just one of the variables… The other variables – however many they might be is not in your hands. How many people sit in a quarter, curve, difficulty of the questions etc, etc, all add up together to decide your fate.

    Licensed CPA, Texas - 2012


    I squeaked by with a 76. My study schedule got all messed up because I had to move auditing back and then I was stuck with only 6 weeks to study. That would have been fine, but I ended up getting killer cases of strep throat twice during that time. Each time I had a 105 degree fever and was literally out of work for a week each time, but not in any state to study. The last case was the week before the exam. I would have rescheduled but my NTS was going to expire. I did my best but I felt defeated. Just tried to memorize my note cards and hope for the best since I was out the money anyway. I remember the multiple choice seemed tough, but the sims were pretty simple and straight-forward. That is probably what carried me. I was excited to pass, but I have been a tax accountant for over 6 years so I blame my passing on that. Otherwise there is no way. I will say this though, that the 3 exams I thought I bombed I passed and the 1 I thought I passed I failed. So if you were making 75s on the practice exams and knew the material you probably did come in right at the line.

    BEC - 77
    AUD - 83
    REG - 76
    FARS - 74, 84

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