Anyone Gain Weight on CPA Journey and/or Full-time Work? - Page 3

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  • #187438

    I’ll be taking a job at a big 4 this year, and I was wondering what to expect with squeezing in gym time during busy season and just on the daily basis. I have an active gym membership, and I work on the audit side so I’ll probably be in and out the office.

    I did not know where else to post so I posted this here. I can condense my workouts (~30 minutes) using drop sets, no rest between sets (alternating body parts), and then doing bear complexes or running outdoors super early morning for my cardio, and I hope I can at least get that in a few times a week during the busy season. Maybe run early morning weekdays (5am if I have to commute and report to work at 8am), upper/lower body weight lifting split on weekends? I struggle keeping the weight off even just studying the CPA exam ALONE.

    <b>Anyone else here gain some weight while studying/working long hours? Any tips or experiences welcome from the community.</b>

    Thanks for any feedback.

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  • #585204

    Gained about 15 pounds passing all 4 parts, and planning a wedding (bad timing, right?). Planning to lose it over the next few months though! Just gotta find the time and motivation haha

    BEC - 87!
    FAR - 83!
    AUD - 80!
    REG - 76!

    I'M DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PRAISE GOD!!!!!!

    *Used Becker to study and the NINJA forums for moral support!*

    "Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see." Hebrews 11:1


    20 pounds gained here… UGH! One of the daycare parents asked me how I'm feeling… Which I know is because she's assuming I'm preggo. I said “I'm feeling good, how are you feeling?” She seemed shocked. Lol. After this is over I want to try to get into running. I've NEVER been a runner. Heck, I have probably never run a whole mile in my life. I was always one of the last ones to finish “the mile” in school. YUCK!

    FAR - 7/13 - 72, 11/13- 74, 2/14- 82!!! Best score ever (for me)!!!
    BEC - 1/14 - 75!!! Perfect score! First Pass! YAY!!!
    AUD - 8/14 - 80!!!
    REG - 5/14 - 72, 10/14 - 66, 1/15 - 78 - DONE FOREVER!!!
    I did 5 of the UNA and CPAExcel classes to earn units.


    Found out Friday that I failed FAR. Found out Saturday night that my boyfriend and I were breaking up. He was no longer attracted to me because I am “fat”…. great weekend for me!!


    During my internship after undergraduate, I gained 20 pounds in 3 months. Free snacks. Sitting for 8-12 hours a day. Had the summer off and lost all of it and more.

    I am in the best shape of my life now, four months into studying. Been going to a personal trainer three times a week this whole time. I've found adding an obligation (whether that be to a trainer with whom I've made an appointment or with a workout/accountability buddy) is the only way I can stick with an exercise regimen. Also, it is so friggin' expensive that I think twice before reaching for that second “free” doughnut at work.


    Fortunately, Ive never exceeded 125 during my exam experience, even after eating a ton of junk-food to keep me going. However, my energy level has gone down quite a bit. I get tired much more easily and its hard for me to even want to get out of bed every morning… good stuff guys.


    I know your feeling.

    I decided to give myself a 10 sets of

    a) squat

    b) push ups

    c) ab workout

    “each time” I chose a wrong answer on MCQ.

    That's quite a lot at first with all the wrong answers, but it's a good stimulant.

    You can do it on your chair, too.

    I will be the most ripped examinee at the Prometric.

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