Any full time accountants here with part time jobs/making supplementary income?

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  • #188226

    Are there any full time accountants here with part time jobs as well/making supplementary income? I’ve been thinking about something to do part time or on the side for some extra cash, and was trying to hear a few ideas.

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  • #590259

    Yup! I work as a fulltime accountant and medical coder on the side working from home 12-20hrs/wk.. I was a fulltime coder before i decided to move to the accounting field. I didnt want to leave my coding job as it pays well. I actually make $6/hr more as a coder than being an accountant. Hence, i never let go of that job. I just converted from fulltime to part time when i got an acct job. But then its a job you need to study and take exams for just like cpa. You need certifications. You can maybe do taxes on the side just like most people accountants do.


    I want to bump this thread, curious to hear also what other people do for part time work.

    I also read in a different post people using (I think that was the website) to find PT jobs to work from home.

    If anyone used this type of website could you post what type of online jobs you found.

    I am currently not working so that I can complete the CPA. But when I was working and now, I do some Ebay selling here and there, but it's not very consistent.

    Hope people post more ideas.


    I am looking into renting myself out to cpa candidates to keep their wives or girlfriends company while the cpa candidate study for their exams.

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