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  • #2658735


    I’m sort of stuck on what to do and thought I would throw this out there to see if anyone had any advice.

    I am scheduled to take REG Sept 4th. I also have AUD scheduled for Sept 10. Reg will be my first attempt and Audit my second. I have not put much time into AUD as I have been studying for Reg. My NTS will expire if I dont sit for it. To further complicate things, my FAR score is set to expire on Oct 19. Which means I only have one more testing window to pass Reg and Aud.

    My question is: 1) would you sit for the Sept 10 test knowing that you havent put in enough time but taking the test as a hail mary?

    2) Focus completley on REG over the next two weeks sit for it and then in the next (and LAST) testing window before FAR expires take Audit (assuming I passed REG).

    Ugh…..the thought of having to retake FAR makes me want to throw in the towel on this whole journey. Its been pretty painful.

    Would appreciate a your thoughts on a game plan…..

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  • #2659050

    Do you work full time or are these tests your full time job? I am going to assume you work full time with the following advice. If it was me, I would give my 100% attention from here until Sept 4th for REG. I wouldn't want to study for two different things and end up giving half effort on both, instead put all your energy into REG and study hard for it so you feel like you did your best. That puts you at a greater chance of success. Now, from the 5th until the 10th you have a weekend there in which if you work, you should have off and can spend the whole day doing MCQ and SIMs until you can't anymore. Since you have already taken Aud you have seen all the material and there is no “new ” never before seen material to learn per say so just dont let the NTS go to waste and take AUD too. God forbid, you do fail AUD, then you can retake in October but hopefully you have REG passed because you gave that 100% effort instead of half the effort because of trying to study for 2 tests. You got this!! believe in yourself and be confident! half the battle on these tests are feeling confident in what you know and not getting overwhelmed during testing.


    I would go study for REG. REG is way more painful than AUD. Plus, if you are already working in audit-related jobs, it will help you guess past 30% of the questions. I would also cramp at my audit friend's house and use them as the wiki to speed up my studies in AUD. I would still recommend sitting for AUD, this way, you know how far away your existing knowledge is from the passing grade.

    I only spend 1 month studying for AUD while working full time. This shouldn't be a problem.

    New York - NYC
    Passed CPA Exam (11/2014)
    In search for a position in NYC that will fulfills the license requirement.

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