Accounting course load and difficulty

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  • #187290

    I’m enrolled in the following classes for the fall semester:

    1) Intermediate accounting III – our intermediate series is split into 3 series. I just finished up “II” which ended with stockholder’s equity. For the 3rd and final part of the series, it will include Investments, leases, pensions, errors, etc.

    2) Audit Accounting

    3) Cost Accounting

    4) Quickbooks Accounting (1.5 units. half of regular 3 unit classes)

    5) Corporate Taxation

    6) Ethics class

    They are somewhat staggered but generally overlap during the months of Sept-Dec.

    How bad is this load and difficulty? It looks pretty bad…

    I’m only doing this because if I do all 6, i’ll be done with all my units to sit for the CPA by Dec. I can then study for the CPA starting Jan 2015, the new year. Otherwise, it is 6 more months of school which is a very long time. But I don’t want to screw up my grades by being impatient.

    Ethics class is business management something, it shouldn’t be too difficult. Quickbooks is 1.5 units and should be relatively easy.

    It’s the other 4 classes I’m worried about. Audit and Corporate tax is a 16 week long course and if individual tax is any indication, that stuff was dry as hell. I hear cost is terrible.

    Should I play it safe or go all out for the last semester of my life? hah

    Btw, I’m a full time student so there will be no job, no kids to worry about. But I’m getting impatient.

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  • #583053

    The dry one will be audit. Intermediate 3 will be a lot of content in general. Cost will be less concepts, way more numbers and calculations. Corporate tax totally depends on your school and teacher. Do they get into the nitty gritty like returns and book/tax differences or just slog through basic corp/partner/scorp etc formation and tax principles.

    It's definitely a full load, but only you know if you can handle it. In essence you are taking a bit of each of the main components of the cpa exam.


    If your intermediate 3 is like mine, we went into Leases/Pensions/Derivative/capital assets/Direct cash flows/etc.etc and unfortunately its not an ‘advanced' where you get consolidations. Good class, can be difficult depending on the teacher.


    Audit will be so boring your will think the tax class is exciting.

    Aud-75 3x I knew i never liked you
    Bec-77 1x being in the bubble is stressful
    Reg-82 4x its not me its you...and no we cant be friends
    Far-78 1x easiest section


    If you replace quickbooks with marching band that was pretty much my schedule the entire time I was in college. It's a lot of work, but definitely doable. Especially since school is your main focus in life right now.


    Cost accounting wasn't that difficult, and neither was audit, but the corporate taxation class will be pretty time consuming, at least coming from my personal experience.


    You know yourself better than we do. Are you normally a good student? Then no problem. Do it up and get it done.

    REG - 94
    BEC - 92
    FAR - 92
    AUD - 99


    Well I guess I gotta just try it. Worst case scenario I drop the class but i would really not want to do that. I was really looking forward to Audit I;m curious to see what it even is. Sucks that it's dry


    I really liked my audit classes– maybe you will have a good teacher!

    AUD 84 (1/9/14-Wiley books/TB + free materials)
    FAR 83 (5/21/14-the above + NINJA 10 Pt Combo Lite)
    REG 84 (7/9/14-Wiley books/TB + NINJA Audio/FC/Notes)
    BEC 76 (10/5/14-Wiley books/TB + NINJA Audio/FC)

    Disclaimer: My ninja avatar is not meant to imply that I have any affiliation with this site other than being a forum member. That's a pic of a T-shirt that my daughter gave me for my birthday. 🙂

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