accounting and tax are extremely easy…

  • This topic has 14 replies, 13 voices, and was last updated 12 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #176490

    Not trolling, just giving you my 2 cents. I thought this field would be a challenge but I’m finding everything about accounting and tax to be extremely self explanatory and mind numbing.

    Above the line, below the line. FICA, fed, state, schedule A….cool story bro

    This is my first job in accounting and I’m preparing tax returns and cleaning up the books without even a second of training. My boss hates me because she noticed the confidence in my eyes and she knows that to keep me, she’d have to double my salary. So she’s nervous and constantly trying to put me down but its not working.

    I wish I went into another field. Accounting is for people who want to work long hours but not really think too much. Anyone else feel that way? I knew I should’ve been a programmer

    cool story bro

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  • Author
  • #402010

    Its not to late…


    We're supposed to be impressed?

    On My Way to a CPA...

    FAR- 83 (12/02/12) (Try some miracle)
    BEC- 80 (2/23/13) (Try #1... by some miracle)
    AUD- 77 (05/04/13) (Try #1... by some miracle)
    REG- 79 (08/03/13)(Try #1... by some miracle)


    Cool story, bra


    I'm not trolling here either, but if you find it so boring and beneath you, then why not find a job doing something that will challenge you and open that position up for someone who enjoys it and would appreciate it. I know of a lot of people who have passed the exam and can't find a job. But for the record, it's not just about tax returns, FICA, above the line, and below the line. In fact, the best part of the job is when you bust your butt to get a set of financials to a client because they are selling their business and they send you that thank you note telling you how much they appreciate you. Compensation doesn't always come in the form of a check or a billable fee. Sometimes, using your talent, education and training to help out another human being is far better than cash. That's just my .02 worth.


    You don't find it obvious that you are fairly new at your first job and they're giving you the low hanging fruit?

    And here's something you might want to learn on the front end, employers will never double your salary to keep you LOL! Sorry to say everybody is replacable.

    FAR- 77
    AUD -49, 71, 84
    REG -56,75!
    BEC -75

    Massachusetts CPA (non reporting) since 3/12.


    So go be a programmer, and leave us stupid accountants alone.

    Your boss doesn't hate you because she thinks she needs to double your salary, she hates you because you're a cocky entry-level who in reality probably knows nothing and thinks they know everything.

    Why do I always respond to posts I know I should ignore?

    A - 61, 91!!
    B - 78!
    F - 76!!!
    R - 71, 73, 74, 69, 77!!!!

    Finally done!

    This is my 2nd attempt at the exam, I had two parts passed (failed many) and I stupidly quit, big mistake. Now I'm back and with a vengeance!


    I could do a basic tax return in high school, bra. Not to troll or anything. Come on man! With an attitude like you, I can tell you why your boss hates you. And trust me, it's not because they think they need to pay you more. Anyone can do a basic tax return. The average joe could do an average tax return. We are here to help people save money and plan in ways they never could think of (if you are a tax accountant). The real work comes when a client comes in thinking they need to pay a lot in tax, only to find out that their accountant found something that in reality they are going to get a refund. The joy comes from when a small business owner is overwhelmed at the fact that you saved him a lot of money and possibly his business. That is what we are needed for.

    BEC - 77 (lost credit), 4/5/13
    AUD - 83
    REG - 77
    FAR - 73, 74, 80! One more to go!!


    All of those tax concepts you mentioned are so super basic that of course if you took accounting courses, they are super easy.

    Have you ever read the Tax Code / Regulations? Try that, and let me know how super easy it all is.

    Try doing some real tax work and then report back. Doing an individual tax return is so basic that my Electrician husband does our – I don't even bother because I know he can handle it.

    I'm sure your boss is just annoyed at having to deal with another super-entitled, know-it-all jacka$$ who thinks they can run the whole place after a week at work.

    AUD (5/25/2012): 91
    FAR (10/22/2012): 89
    REG (11/28/2012): 89
    BEC (01/05/2013): 82
    Ethics Exam: 90

    IL Licensed CPA - 7/15/2013

    A long journey, officially DONE!


    Thing is, many people have goodluck2everyone2's mindset no matter how complex their own tax returns are. That's why my employer really emphasized to its employees that we have to be more than just tax return preparing machines. The true art of being a tax professional isn't preparing tax returns. It's about persuading clients and potential clients that they need your help in the first place. It's about building relationships, identifying ways to save money, and anticipating the clients' needs ahead of time.

    cpa2everyone2, it sounds like you don't like accounting. If computer science is your true passion, I say go for it!

    CPA license in progress....


    OP said he is not trolling, but it appears you people have been trolled. I agree with LSYNC.

    FAR - 92 02/2013
    AUD - 90 05/2013
    REG - 85 10/2013
    BEC - 80 12/2013



    @henryv, well if so, this will be the first time I've seen a troll on! But interestingly, this mindset does exist, trolling or not. Many people outside of the profession (individuals, companies) often don't see why it's necessary to hire someone to prepare their tax returns and beyond that when they can do it on their own. It also sounded like he hated what he was doing, so I wanted to encourage him to follow his passion.

    CPA license in progress....


    My .02? Keep hammering this idiot if there is even a shred of hope that he isn't a troll.


    He's definately not a troll, been around a long time. Just tends to have a “unique” perspective on just about everything from CPA review materials, to relationships, etc. Been banned once as goodluck2everyone and came back a little more toned down as goodluck2everyone2.

    FAR- 77
    AUD -49, 71, 84
    REG -56,75!
    BEC -75

    Massachusetts CPA (non reporting) since 3/12.


    I'm locking this thread. It doesn't appear to be trolling as they have been a member for a while. However this is a great community and threads like this do nothing to help each other.

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