17 Stupid Things…

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  • #1695850

    …Said by Family & Friends about the CPA Exam

    I resurrected an old classic…

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  • #1695859

    I saw this on FB the other day and got a kick out of it. My grandmother who is a retired doctor, actually told me “how hard can accounting be?” 🙂


    Thanks, Jeff! This is so, so true.

    My mom is visiting currently and started hysterically laughing Saturday morning when I was explaining the pass rates and showing her my spreadsheet with moving averages from MCQ sets… “they must make sure only a few people pass so you have little competition out there! That is TOO funny!” Too soon, Ma… too soon. I got up to get more coffee and legitimately considered grabbing a beer instead.


    Whenever I would reject an event invite or another family event I would without a doubt get the response. “You have been studying for months, haven't you studied long enough, you can skip studying for a day.” They have no idea the quantity of information that is in each of these exams.


    Dang, not sure how I would react to some of those! My favorite is when people think accounting is just adding and subtracting, “So what do they even test you on?”


    “You got this easy” in a very nonchalant manner.

    “I took a Certificate test and knew I did great, I'm sure it's the same for you”.

    Surprisingly, most of my friends and family are pretty decent about the exam. We still host for events and I go to major family events because honestly, life is too short. I may sleep 3 hours a night during the process but I'm not missing out on any of my daughter's childhood (nor my soon to be second daughter) because of overhead variance, as I try to keep things in perspective.

    Pork Flavored Bacon

    Why is that last one “stupid”? It's a factual statement.

    Is the author of the article saying the exams were so easy back then she also could have passed all four sections in one test session without a calculator?

    FAR - 75 | REG - 87 | AUD - 82 | LAW - 81


    I know mostly lawyers and other licensed professionals…they all get it. The general population knows that a CPA is a respected, hard to get license; they may not understand what it means, but they usually know it's a bigger deal than the made up certifications so en vogue of late.

    If there's no licensing agency that acts in a quasi-government capacity, it's not a real certificate and it's not a profession. It's industry puffery.


    This is on point. My friend who is in law school and about to take the bar in the summer comes off like my test is a joke compared to the Bar.


    I think the bar takes more intelligence, or at least a more analytical intelligence. The CPA exam has more grunt work. For me, the bar would have probably been easier.

    My guess is that there are more people capable of passing the CPA exam than the bar in terms of ability…but the CPA exam also requires more actual studying. The way people can go from a 50 to a passing score on the CPA exam typically can't happen on the bar…more studying isn't going to do it.


    Thanks for resurrecting this thread, Jeff!

    “Aw, you didn't pass? Well, some people just aren't good at standardized tests; I am. I pass standardized tests without studying for them.”


    I understand, my community college english test was hard


    I felt the bar was tougher than FAR & REG…more room for interpretation, as well as being a 3 day marathon as opposed to 4 sets of 4hr exams.


    CPA is harder than the Bar. Attorneys are overrated clowns and their time is up.

    Anyways, back on topic, unfortunately for me, my parents tell me “So are you studying for the test?” or “I Haven't seen you study yet”. FML.


    “Oh, you are studying for the CPA? You can do my taxes when you pass.” – This one annoys me the most. CPAs do more than taxes! Smh.

    BEC = 72 (6/08/16)
    FAR = ?
    REG = ?
    AUD = ?

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