Yaeger CPA Review

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  • #1529638

    Any one else currently utilizing the 2017 edition of Yaeger CPA Review for REG? It seems like they threw this together quickly and did not test run it prior to release.

    I am encountering multiple bugs when attempting to generate quizzes and occasionally when trying to watch a video lecture. The lectures for the most part are Phil reading out of the book. Should I just read the book instead?

    In the past I have used Yaeger lectures and supplemented with ninja notes & MCQ which was successful for BEC & AUD.

    Curious if others using Yaeger are feeling the same and any recommendations?

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  • #1529671

    I haven't checked out their updates, but I did use them for my exams and supplemented with NINJA MCQ's. I would watch the video lectures and do the questions along with them and then just do the Ninja MCQ's nonstop. I passed all 4 from 10/2016 – 3/2017 so it worked for me. Is there any way you can just watch the old videos?? I really enjoyed Cindy and the guy who did AUD (I forget his name) they were the best in my opinion.



    Thanks for the reply. I originally had the old videos but due to the changes in Q2 of 2017 I thought it would make sense to have them upgrade my materials to coincide with the changes. I believe I still have them on USBs and I do have the 2016 Wiley text book.

    They no longer use Wiley textbooks and instead have their own textbooks.

    I plan on getting through the videos and hammering the MCQ. Surprisingly the MCQ that yaeger assigns it appears that the majority of them are included in the Ninja MCQ.


    I recently got the new 2017 course from Yaeger for FAR. I have noticed a couple of glitches in the quiz tool but contacted Sonny and it looks like most of them have been fixed now.

    I'm happy with it so far but haven't taken the exam yet. I was overwhelmed when I started studying for the exam with an old 2016 Wiley book I got on eBay. I couldn't easily match anything from the book to the exam blueprint. A waste of money. Then I ordered the new FAR book from Wiley since it was updated for April 2017. I was really frustrated because it was nothing like the old one and doesn't show the blueprint tasks either. It looks like they started from scratch and tossed the old book. I wanted one that matched the blueprint and that's when I decided to give Yaeger a try since they have been advertising that they use the blueprint. I think all of the companies license the same released questions so I wasn't that worried about the multiple choice. The video lectures have been helpful for me and Yaeger explains the concepts better than if I read the book myself.

    Yaeger CPA Review


    Hey MeanJoe,
    Were you able to find the old Yaeger lectures? Is there anyway you could share them as I would really like to use COndy's lectures for certain part of FAR.
    THank you.

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