What am I doing that's wrong?

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  • #162446

    So the cycle continues and I fail REG again, this has been very frustrating for me not to mention embarrassing especially when you have to tell your boss that those 2 weeks that you have taken off as study leave went to waste.

    I am honestly clueless on how to approach REG, I tried Becker and I failed, tried Yaeger and I failed as well.. despite being very confident about my knowledge about the material but the exam was unbelievably hard, I was honestly questioning if I was doing another exam by mistake..

    I did make a mistake listening to Phil by working only the questions that were assigned but again there is no one to blame but myself for any short comings…

    I dont know what to do about tackling REG, I am thinking of switching to Roger but I have already spent so much money and time that it’s making my confidence shake..anyone on the same boat??

    FAR: 79, what im done??
    REG: 75
    AUD: 75
    BEC: 77

    I would rather score four 75's than three 99's and a 74

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  • Author
  • #305086

    not in the same boat but I would not buy another study guide. How long are you studying for? Are you understanding the questions well enough to explain the answer to someone else or have you memorized the answers. What are you scoring on practice test heading into the exam?

    FAR 76
    REG 76(2x)
    BEC FAILED (2x)
    AUD FAILED (2x)

    "When you don't give up, YOU CANNOT FAIL"


    thanks for your reply gotta.. studied for three months, 3 hours a day and in all honesty I was understanding the questions pretty well.. I actually scored stronger in all sections except Individual and Entity ( which make up for the bigger chunk anyway)… I usually score in the 80's but those test questions were anything but ordinary, I really envy people that find tax easy, I am thinking of taking a break now and keeping REG till the end assuming ofcourse I am able to pass the others

    FAR: 79, what im done??
    REG: 75
    AUD: 75
    BEC: 77

    I would rather score four 75's than three 99's and a 74


    So I'm assuming from your response that you actually really scored weaker in the simulation section.

    FAR 76
    REG 76(2x)
    BEC FAILED (2x)
    AUD FAILED (2x)

    "When you don't give up, YOU CANNOT FAIL"


    I'm not trying to be totally heartless here but there seems to be some major flaws in your studying. To start out I think you studying for three months is way too long. From what I believe and what other people say, the max you should study a section is around 6-8 weeks. Any longer and you start to forget the material and it just doesn't work.

    Personally, I think you would benefit from talking to Jeff, maybe signing up for his club thing. I think you need some major adjusting to your study habits/the way you are studying.

    I'll just briefly outline my study habits:

    Study for 6 weeks usually four hours everyday during the week and 5-7 hours each sat and sun.

    Watch the lectures fully

    Then summarize the textbook pages, i basically just rewrite them but make sure I study it as I write

    Do the questions, and for every question I get wrong or get right but aren't sure why, I mark that question then write down why it was right, how you get the answer and why the other choices are wrong.

    Usually if I don't have a clue about the answer I will go search in the textbook on how to get the answer and see how becker has it in the textbook and how it is worded and applied to the question

    I then study all the material and make sure to star areas I am weak on.

    The key is to practice areas you are less confident about. Yes it sucks but if you go into the test knowing absolutely everything on business law but not much on individual taxation you will fail.

    Practice all the sims after each chapter then do a lot more sim work as the test gets closer. I usually get the wiley book and do a lot of questions out of there.

    I think with the time and effort and the right study habits anyone can pass this exam.

    R PASS
    A PASS
    B PASS


    Wow u studied a lot. Did you study too much business law? That's small.chunk. focus on the big two worth 80% of exam…print out all the forms and schedules and just keep practicing



    Are you writing and rewriting your notes?

    One thing I did the second time I took REG was that I took the H&R block online evaluation test. They give this long but open book test to see if you can opt out of taking their class to work for them (you know, for all of $8.75/hour?) I really took my time and researched each question on my own before choosing an answer. I'm not sure how much exactly that helped but I did (barely) pass so I won't knock it!

    FAR- 77
    AUD -49, 71, 84
    REG -56,75!
    BEC -75

    Massachusetts CPA (non reporting) since 3/12.

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