Took Reg Today - Page 2

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    Took Reg today and tough to tell how it went….first section of MC was ok….I have a feeling that the second section was easier but I feel I did well on it…..and I felt the third section was hard… I am not sure if you get easier MC for section 2 if you are able to get tougher questions for section 3….anyone know….also what are the chances of passing if you do in fact get easier MC questions… for the Sims I think they went pretty well….I had enough time to finish which is always a good thing……any input is appreciated



    FAR (75)
    AUD (76)
    BEC (75)
    REG (72), (80)

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  • #270256


    I felt the same way as you….I thought the first was hard….second was easier and then the third was in the middle….I have no clue as to how the exam is determined for difficulty levels….just makes you wonder….even more than usual

    FAR (75)
    AUD (76)
    BEC (75)
    REG (72), (80)


    I took REG on 2/25. It was nothing like FAR, AUD and BEC which I took in 2010. I scored 85, 88 and 83 respectively so I used the same study methodology for REG figuring it has worked for me so far.

    The multiple choice took me more time than FAR and there were less of them! Lots of details and some questions that weren’t even covered (Wiley 2011). I marked 24 questions that I wasn’t positive about. I am sure I got some of those right but didn’t have time to really determine how close I thought I was.

    The sims were awful. I got one research question and five other questions. I found the research question pretty easily and I think I got about ¾ of the last three sims correct. I guessed on the other two. Didn’t have time to use the IRC that much.

    There was actually a sim question where each fill in the blank was the result of analyzing 5 or 6 variables. If you got one of the variances wrong then the answer is wrong. Does anyone know if there is partial credit and the system can determine that you only made the wrong call on one component? The reason I ask is because I read somewhere that you can still get points if you make a math error in one part….for example if you calc’d GM wrong but used the wrong GM and then correctly calc’d pre-tax income then you’d get points. Not sure if this is right. Does anyone know?

    I am totally frustrated. I spend 136.5 hours preparing for REG and felt I knew this material better than any of the others. I walked out of this feeling the worst. My biggest worry is the fact that the sims are now 40%. Not sure I can pass when I know I blew two of them. Any input is appreciated.


    I am so glad to hear that other people had issues with Reg. I passed FAR & AUD. I am waiting on results from BEC and I just took Reg today. I am not feeling positive. So much of what I studied wasn't even on the exam. It is the luck of the draw I guess. You either get MCs and SIMS that you know or ones that you thought would never be asked. There wasn't much variety in the SIMS, and I had to make an assumption or two with the information given/question asked. I cruised through the practice SIMS and feel like I blew it today on the real exam. I am really disappointed because if I don't pass Reg today, I lose credit for AUD. Just curious… does anyone know if every day of the testing window has a different exam? Is it all randomly configured for each person? I'm hoping that there is a huge curve on this one. Crossing my fingers. For those of you who haven't taken Reg,, don't freak out until there is reason to freak out. You never know, you may get all the questions that I had hoped for 🙁


    I've now taken all four exams and REG was the worst out of all of them (even though they are all bad…). I'm trying not to think about it as I wait for my scores.

    FAR - 92 --- AUD - 87 --- REG - 80 --- BEC - 87
    A licensed CPA in Louisiana!!!

    Dear CPA Exam, You are a beast. But you WILL be defeated!


    @ Liz317: I totally understand how you feel. I just hope for very low average scores for REG so I can be done with this one and for all.

    FAR (5/27/10) - 87
    REG (8/27/10) - 66, (2/25/11) - 74, (4/21/11) - 85
    BEC (10/28/10)- 83
    AUD (11/27/10)- 83, CA Candidate NTS#452, Ethics: 90


    I think REG might get the spot for hardest exam in 2011

    FAR 88 - BEC 86 - AUD 90 - REG 85


    REG was brutal. Praying for 75.

    BEC 10/05/10 84
    FAR 11/02/10 80
    AUD 11/30/10 90
    REG 02/28/11 78


    Reg was difficult, also hoping for a 75. I am still reflecting on my performance on the SIMs. The MCs were not that terrible, but harder than the 2011 Wiley book MCs.


    I took REG 2/28. Felt that the multiple choice for the most part were much harder than when I took it in Q4 2010. I felt that the Simulations were better from both a difficulty standpoint as well as the setup. I saw some stuff on there I was nowhere near prepared for.

    I did not particularly like the research functionality this time. It seemed a little more difficult for some reason.

    I have my fingers crossed. I only needed to make up a lousy 3 points from my last try.

    AUD: Passed
    BEC: Passed
    FAR: Passed
    REG: Passed


    I took REG on 2/22 and thought it was just bizarre. Some of the questions I felt like I could have answered after taking an intermediate/undergrad accounting class and some of them I would challenge any practicing CPA to even have a clue about! I just wish I could remember which there were more of………

    FAR- 77
    AUD -49, 71, 84
    REG -56,75!
    BEC -75

    Massachusetts CPA (non reporting) since 3/12.


    I took REG yesterday, 2/28. I felt the multiple choice was no problem at all. the first testlet was easy. Second testlet was considerably more difficult. I had maybe 2 or 3 questions that I wasn't 100% sure how to do. the third testlet seemed like a mix to me. some questions were about the same difficulty as the first testlet and some the same as the second. When I finished all the testlets, before starting the SIMS, I was 100% sure I was going to pass that test- just taking in to account the MC. But then I got to the SIMS….

    I will say that I am only confident in my work on maybe 2 SIMS. The other four were just plain weird, I don't know any other word to describe it. I finished the MC with 1 hour and 50 minutes. I used ALL of that time on the SIMS. I first went through them one by one-doing what I could do and skipping what I needed more time with because I didn't want to waste time. So I do that, go back through and work on the stuff I skipped. At this point there is probably 45 minutes left. For about 20 minutes after that, I'm just going through the SIMS again, hoping a miracle will happen and I'll finally be able to completely know what to do. When, unfortunately, that didn't happen, I exited the exam with maybe 25 minutes left on the clock.

    Because of the fact that I *think* I did very well on the MC but less than satisfactory on the SIMS, I will not be surprised if my score goes either way – less than 75 or 75+.

    and now, we wait….


    Well I also sat on 02/28…mvillas glad to hear things went better for you than me on the MC. I really tried to cram part time studying in for only about month….I am assuming I didn't pass at this point…but you never know…I had to travel 3 hrs in a snow storm to get there and back…I'm glad I sat for it though. Only the last few days before the exam did everything start to jive for me…if only I had a couple of more days…good luck to you..I'll be back on in a short time to see the scores!

    BEC 78
    REG 84
    AUD 76
    FAR 83


    Good luck to you as well!

    I'm beginning my studies for AUD in the hope that I have passed REG. if i didn't pass, I will push back my AUD exam and sit for REG again first.

    Do you know when the scores will be released?


    @ mvillas: Jeff says 3/17/11 that ALL scores will be released.

    FAR (5/27/10) - 87
    REG (8/27/10) - 66, (2/25/11) - 74, (4/21/11) - 85
    BEC (10/28/10)- 83
    AUD (11/27/10)- 83, CA Candidate NTS#452, Ethics: 90


    Just posted on another link, score release is delayed due to the window being extended due to bad weather. No scores til the end of March now.

    AUD (11) & FAR (10) = 89
    BEC (10) & REG (11) = 78
    Ethics here I come!
    I am a CPA!

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