Too Much to Take Three Sections in One Testing Window - Page 2

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  • #1306447

    I began this testing window taking Audit in the beginning of October. I have been studying for BEC and plan to take it November 10th. That leaves me approximately a month to study for and take REG (I would take it December 8th).

    I’m sure all of you are aware that the exam is changing in April of 2017 and March is a blackout month (besides the first 10 days). I am trying to finish all sections before the change occurs. I am debating whether or not to take REG this quarter, in which if I pass I can take the holidays off and if I fail it gives me another testing window to pass. Whereas if I wait to take it in January/February I only have one chance before the exam switches to the new format.

    I am currently in a graduate program but am only taking 3 courses that require little time. I also have a graduate assistant position where I work 20 hours a week but mostly can work on homework/studying while I am there. I planned out my timeline in which I would have to study (Becker) 3 chapters the first and second weeks, 2 chapters the third week, and review for a week.

    I am looking for input if people think this is possible or if I should just delay the exam until the next testing window. Thanks in advance!

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  • #1308656

    I think it's doable. I studied a month for REG without any tax background, and I passed it with 83. I listened to NINJA Audio like thousand times and did about 2400 MCQs. I failed AUD by 1 point with 3 weeks of studying, but I think it has more to do with my lack of motivation and discipline at that time.

    BEC 7/12 - PASS
    REG 8/17
    AUD 9/8
    FAR 10/15

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