Too Much to Take Three Sections in One Testing Window

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  • #1306447

    I began this testing window taking Audit in the beginning of October. I have been studying for BEC and plan to take it November 10th. That leaves me approximately a month to study for and take REG (I would take it December 8th).

    I’m sure all of you are aware that the exam is changing in April of 2017 and March is a blackout month (besides the first 10 days). I am trying to finish all sections before the change occurs. I am debating whether or not to take REG this quarter, in which if I pass I can take the holidays off and if I fail it gives me another testing window to pass. Whereas if I wait to take it in January/February I only have one chance before the exam switches to the new format.

    I am currently in a graduate program but am only taking 3 courses that require little time. I also have a graduate assistant position where I work 20 hours a week but mostly can work on homework/studying while I am there. I planned out my timeline in which I would have to study (Becker) 3 chapters the first and second weeks, 2 chapters the third week, and review for a week.

    I am looking for input if people think this is possible or if I should just delay the exam until the next testing window. Thanks in advance!

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  • #1306455

    I'd say BEC and AUD are definitely doable in that time period. Don't underestimate BEC though! If you're really comfortable with tax you probably could pass REG in that time frame, but if I were you I'd move REG back to January. REG has a lot of material to go through especially since you have class and work.


    I wouldn't do it but that's just me. This question does make me wonder if anyone has ever successfully passed all 4 sections in the same testing window before…


    I'm currently doing it (again). Last time I did FAR (Aug 6) Reg (Aug 27) and BEC (Sept 9). 3 in 32 days was too much! That didn't work too well. I did Bec again on (10/15), Reg (11/11), and Far (hopefully 12/10). It's working out better this go round being a month apart. I wouldn't do it if I was in grad school though. Best of luck!

    AUD - 1st - 60 (12/12), 61 (2/13), 61 (8/13), 78! (11/15)
    REG - 55 (2/16) 69 (5/16) Retake(8/16)
    BEC - 71(5/16) Retake (9/16)
    FAR - (8/16)


    I took 3 exams in Q3 but I wish I had done them in a different order. Wasn't working or going to school. I did REG-AUD-BEC. Studied for 6 weeks for REG, 6 weeks for AUD, and 3 weeks for BEC. I think I overdid AUD but BEC was a real struggle to do in 3 weeks. Plus going back to doing long, complicated calculations (BEC) after almost no calculations (AUD) for 6 weeks was a slap in the face.

    Would have been better if I had done them in this order: REG-BEC-AUD. And studied 4 1/2 weeks for BEC and AUD.

    FAR - June 2016 - 88
    REG - July 2016 - 89
    AUD - Aug 2016 - review phase currently
    BEC - Sep 2016 -

    Wiley CPA Excel & Ninja MCQ


    Circadian, hows the job hunting coming along?? Im struggling with AUD!! Ugh. Does Ninja have good SIMS? I need to practice more financial accounting. I was annihilated by FAR SIMS the first time.

    And OP that sounds a bit too much to handle but thats just for me personally. Best of Luck!



    Goodluck, but I respect your determination!


    @Needs175 There's been a fair few people on here who have passed all 4 in 1 testing window. One memorable gentleman took all 4 within a week and passed all 4 – can't remember his name but can remember his avatar…story of my life (faces not names). It's not normal to pass all 4 in 1 testing window, but it's happened and can happen.

    OP, your timeline for REG is tight (I would've probably cut some time off of BEC to give to REG, but too late for that now), but if you study hard you can probably do it. Will your classes and work finish before your REG test date if you can get one of the last seats in December? If you ended up with 3-4 days right before REG that you could study full-time for REG only, plus studying for it around your classes and work for a month (basically), then you can probably pull off a fair attempt at it. I'd say plan for taking REG in December, and if you can't make it, you can re-schedule.

    Also, all you have to lose by taking it in December and failing is the price of the exam (which grants is a few hundred dollars…) and a bit of pride. If you think having 2 attempts will be very helpful, it may be worth that price to at least attempt it, and you might even pass. 🙂 I studied for REG about a month while working full-time (and switching jobs), and passed it, but everyone's required level of study is different.


    You have to do what you have to do….sometimes you just can't plan you have to do it….That's my mentality. Yes, I want to pass, yes it will cost and more than exam fees (social life, etc), but hey if you can study (cram) and pass then it will be worth it. All that do not pass before the official change will have to adjust to the new changes, who wants to figure out another way to study, I don't, so I am with you I just wish I had the money to get it all done before April. Go for it, make it work and make it worth it.

    It begins with a 75
    Been here too long as a cheerleader....ready to pass

    Sticky Nicky

    i retook BEC 10/10,,taking AUD 11/9,,and REG 12/9,,,im confident that you can study 3 weeks FT for BEC and AUD,,,dunno about REG yet but from what i hear 6 weeks for any section is too much,,,idk im a novice here only took BEC twice,,,but im living and breathing this exam just to finish before April roll out,,, if i fail REG then i will just retake first day of Jan and leave FAR for late Feb…i say do it you have nothing to lose expect a couple hundred bucks…if u pass first attempt you will love your life.


    I didn't try 3 sections in a testing window, but I did 2 twice and didn't feel too overwhelmed. I took FAR and Audit in April and May and then BEC and REG in July and August. I didn't break any records with my scores but I passed them. REG and FAR were no joke and I don't know if I could have fit 2 more tests in the same window with either of those, but that's me. I needed 6 weeks each to study for FAR and REG.

    FAR 04/11/2016 - 84
    AUD 05/12/2016 - 79
    BEC 07/06/2016 - 81
    REG 08/29/2016


    I say go for it. Most people on A71 have no experience in your unique position. You will have more than enough time to study even if you only study during normal business hours (treat it like a job). I took all four during the summer window. Unfortunately, I failed REG, but it was completely my fault for not studying.

    The worst that can happen is you fail, but you still have another opportunity in the next window. I personally would rather not waste the chance to sit for the exam as much as possible. Good luck!

    Sticky Nicky

    @neaux…how the heck did you pass 3 sections in 3 weeks?



    I'm getting interviews but the whole process is rather traumatic for me. I hate interviews and talking on the phone. I'm not into bragging and being a saleswoman.

    Had one interview last week for a real estate accounting job (I have experience in real estate) and one today at a small CPA firm. Have another one for next week. That was my first time inside a CPA firm, hahaha. At both interviews, they seemed to really be interested in knowing if I talked to clients before at my previous job. The public accounting job interviewer today made a point of how they don't want people who want to just stay in their cubicle and work alone. Ugh, they sure do hate introverts. I have to really fake it till I make it I guess. I get the feeling that people who are successful in public accounting are mildly bright (but not very bright) extroverts.

    The sims in AUD were weird. Just make sure you practice the ratio sims. I don't recall seeing any real FAR related sims. Ninja sims only take about 2 days to finish, so not that time consuming to do them all.

    FAR - June 2016 - 88
    REG - July 2016 - 89
    AUD - Aug 2016 - review phase currently
    BEC - Sep 2016 -

    Wiley CPA Excel & Ninja MCQ


    It's doable – I did it. I also worked FT, so it wasn't full time studying. You MUST be diligent and absolutely not have any down days studying or take any days off.

    BEC - 80
    FAR - 81 (third attempt)
    AUD - waiting for score 8/23
    REG - 09/08/2016 - going to cram and wing it

    OH Ethics - Completed


    I think taking 3 sections in 1 testing window is possible! I took and passed FAR, BEC, and AUD in Q3 while working full time in tax. I prepared for FAR for 10 weeks, then spent about 3-4 weeks each for BEC and AUD. Used only Becker.

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