Tomorrow is my last study day. Need suggestions

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  • #1476324

    Hi everyone. I’m down to my last day. I feel a little more confident than when I took BEC. However, my kid was sick home yesterday and I could’t study as much as I wanted to. Long story short as of today here are my stats for REG. AVG 72, Trending 78. Should I do more MCQ, SIMS tomorrow or should I close computer and study notes, flash cards and re-write notes? My exam is 8 am Monday. I haven’t passed any of the sections so I don’t know what is better use of my time yet. Any feedback would be appreciated.

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  • #1476355

    I can only offer you advice based off my approach – I take the approach of not learning anything new I like to look over and refresh mnemonics in my head .. I usually do a massive brain dump on the white board they gives us of all the stupid mnemonics as soon as I get in the testing room and it helps a lot But with that being said – not sure what you are studying with but I use Becker and I tend to skim through at a very high level each chapter and I tend to rework only the problems that they have nicely laid out in the book – I usually don't drive myself crazy going through hundreds of M/C questions the day before to be honest with you .. I only went through say the calculation of AMT a little more in-depth for REG then anything else but some people may disagree with me but you don't wait to strain yourself out the day before the last thing you need is to think you forgot something and your anxiety will run wild… best of luck to you

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