To REG or NOT to REG…

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  • #176204

    I am due to take REG next Wednesday but I have been so stressed out over work and family obligations that I just don’t know if I am ready to take it. One side of me, says, “do it” and the other side of me is playing double dutch. I have been studying the past few weeks and have a good grasp but I do not feel 100% comfortable like I would one week before the exam. Should I? or should I NOT? Decisions… decisons..F to the M L.

    BEC 10/13 PASSED 77
    AUD 04/12 PASSED 83
    FAR 08/12 PASSED 76
    REG 02/13 PASSED 76

    Licensed in PA on 12/23/13. Yea boy!!

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  • #397513

    If money is not a big object, I would encourage you to take it this window if you think you might pass or even if it would help you prepare for the next attempt. You can't get this window back.

    That said, don't deny your humanity – I don't know exactly what you mean by the personal stresses, but I know that sometimes you have to say “enough is enough!” I've tried to take exams saying ” I'm not going to stress, I'm just going to take it and see where I am” but couldn't live up to the not-stressing part.

    Good luck – you WILL get this accomplished!

    B: 77 (LC), 75
    A: 63,74,88
    R: 60,67,80
    F: 71,74,74 again, and 86 - DONE!

    Ethics and application - done.

    Licensed in VA - 07/03/2014


    Thank you FTZ. It is exactly what I wanted to hear. Who knows, maybe the CPA gods will feel sorry for me and let me pass. I'm just riding on that 81 I had on REG a year and a half ago so hopefully, I could conquer it again.

    BEC 10/13 PASSED 77
    AUD 04/12 PASSED 83
    FAR 08/12 PASSED 76
    REG 02/13 PASSED 76

    Licensed in PA on 12/23/13. Yea boy!!



    Sorry to hear you are stressed with so much going on!! I vote take REG now. It could be worth the risk 🙂

    CA CPA - All because of the journey listed below
    FAR - 53('10), 8/25/12 79 PASSED!
    REG - 66('11), 69('12), 12/06/12 77 PASSED!!
    BEC - 58('10), 74('12), 01/05/13 77 PASSED!!!
    AUD - 43('11), 66('12), 69('13), 74('13) 7/29/13 85 PASSED!!!!!

    (Combinations of Roger, Yaeger, Wiley Book, Wiley TB, & NINJA Notes)

    Ethics 90%


    @littlerobot, thank you! I am totally with you on taking it next week too. I just didnt want to pass up a testing window that is why I scheduled it so soon and what do i have to lose besides $250? I already spent so much pesos already on this exam. Anyway, I am going to give 120% and do my best!!

    Good luck on your audit exam this Sat!! Knock it out of the ballpark and be done with this beast!

    BEC 10/13 PASSED 77
    AUD 04/12 PASSED 83
    FAR 08/12 PASSED 76
    REG 02/13 PASSED 76

    Licensed in PA on 12/23/13. Yea boy!!

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