Thought you bombed or failed REG, but, passed REG instead??? Please share… - Page 2

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  • #194576

    Hello everyone,

    I took REG recently and have been feeling very down. For the most part, I thought the MCQ were OK. Flagged probably around 12 questions or so throughout the 3 testlets, and felt I still had a chance to pass this thing.

    And then came the SIMS…. I felt like I scored 100% on 3 of the sims (including research), but, the other 3 sims were guesses. 2 sims, I put completely 0’s in it because I didn’t have time to finish. Then, the last sim, I got partial points. So, I would say I ONLY was confident on 3.5 out of the 6 available sims.

    However, is there any chance for me to pass? Has anyone ever been in this situation where 3 of the their sims in REG they had no idea and still ended up passing? Again, I felt like my MCQ’s were very good. I just don’t think it’s enough to put me over the 75 mark.

    Would love to hear people’s experiences on this. Thank you so much!

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  • #1321378

    It wasn't a pass, but the first time I took audit, I didn't see any way possible that I made a 60. Made a 74, so its possible.


    Good point on the SIMs. I took my REG retake on 10.24 and didn't realize it till you mentioned it but I had not a single SIM with drop down options, the content wasn't completely left field but no opportunity for guessing. 3 more days…

    FAR: 39,59,TBD
    BEC: 74,79
    AUD: 77
    REG: September


    Ok…I used to think that people were just bullsh*tting when they said they felt like they failed but passed…

    Until it happened to me.

    1st attempt at FAR: Felt horrible after the test. Thought I would get an F (IM SERIOUS) …was not confident with the MCQ..same with SIMS……….76 (squeeked by but did it)
    1st attempt at REG: Thought I did OK. Definitely felt more confident than FAR and felt like I had a good chance of passing (high 70s/low 80s)………73 >:(
    2nd attempt at REG: Felt like I did worse on this one…OK On MCQ but got tricky MCQ and felt like i could have gotten many wrong..felt HORRIBLE about the sims…was not 100% confident on one apart from my research question (which took me 30 minutes to find…in the least expected place but I found it)……….88

    You never know with these exams.

    If you have to take another test take a couple of days break and jump into the other one. Studying for another section distracts you for score release. If this is your last one hang tight. You never know!

    FAR (5/31) PASS (Best birthday gift ever!)


    Thanks so much, everyone, for sharing and for your encouragement!

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