Thought you bombed or failed REG, but, passed REG instead??? Please share…

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  • #194576

    Hello everyone,

    I took REG recently and have been feeling very down. For the most part, I thought the MCQ were OK. Flagged probably around 12 questions or so throughout the 3 testlets, and felt I still had a chance to pass this thing.

    And then came the SIMS…. I felt like I scored 100% on 3 of the sims (including research), but, the other 3 sims were guesses. 2 sims, I put completely 0’s in it because I didn’t have time to finish. Then, the last sim, I got partial points. So, I would say I ONLY was confident on 3.5 out of the 6 available sims.

    However, is there any chance for me to pass? Has anyone ever been in this situation where 3 of the their sims in REG they had no idea and still ended up passing? Again, I felt like my MCQ’s were very good. I just don’t think it’s enough to put me over the 75 mark.

    Would love to hear people’s experiences on this. Thank you so much!

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  • #1320805

    Huge “bump” to this old gem, as I need some encouragement. I'm worried I didn't pass REG (my last section), and I'm hoping that feeling like I failed is a good sign!

    Any of you experienced a sense of failure after REG and then – surprisingly – found out you passed?


    @Go.For.Broke I took the exam on October 26th, and it truly has been torture. I found this exam so detailed and tricky. I don't have a good feeling about this one! lol

    FAR-83 (May 2016)


    Oh man, I took REG in July with AUD set to expire 07/31/16.. I had so many questions I felt like I didn't know. I cried for 2 weeks straight and was coming up with a plan for my AUD and REG retakes.

    Then.. Passed. It was truly amazing. Don't count yourself down and out until you get that score. You have no way of knowing which questions were weighted more or less and you might have known more than you think.

    AUD - 74,72,74,73,67,80
    BEC - 69,80
    FAR - 50,51,50,74,71,79
    REG - 69, 72, 81.. and I am DONE...


    4 more days until I find out if I passed. I felt the same way. MCQ's were not bad at all. Very basic and to the point. Probably was unsure on about 3-4 per testlet which is how I felt during Audit, but the sims were brutal. I had to fight for every point. The only sim I got 100% on was the research. My only hope is that I got a 72 & 76 on Becker Practice exams and I am a firm believer that you will score 5-10 points higher on the actual exam. I will let everyone know on the 22nd!

    AUD (08/02/2016)


    Well tell us your exam experience and maybe we can relate to you and predict your score!


    I'm taking REG next Saturday and feel like there's no way I'll be ready for it. I'm taking off all of next week to study, but I still don't think it will be enough to save me. On top of that my son decided that he no longer wants to sleep and wants to keep standing up in his crib smh. I feel like a zombie half the time and it's really hard to try and concentrate when you're working on 4 hours of sleep every night for the past week.

    FAR: 75 Roger & Ninja (notes/flashcards/audio/MCQ)
    AUD: 73, 81
    BEC: 71, retake 8/29


    I need this thread in my life fo sho….Its so embarrassing that I think my score is lower than my first try, especially after falling short 1 point last window 🙁

    AUD - 1st - 60 (12/12), 61 (2/13), 61 (8/13), 78! (11/15)
    REG - 55 (2/16) 69 (5/16) Retake(8/16)
    BEC - 71(5/16) Retake (9/16)
    FAR - (8/16)



    I don't have a very detailed exam experience; it was such a blur. I can give a few items to take into consideration:

    * I had already taken REG, felt pretty good about my performance, and I made only a 67. I guess feeling “good” can mean “fail.” Ha. Also, I put in a lot more effort to my studies this time around.

    * I didn't flag many MCQs (2 to 4 for each testlet), but that doesn't mean I was confident in my non-flagged answers. I just figured, “hey, I know it or I don't.” Many questions seemed very out of left field, and I wondered if I had been using outdated material (I used Becker – the most recently updated version). I can't gauge which testlets were “harder” or “easier,” and I don't at all think that one can realistically gauge that while taking the test (much to the disagreement of so many posts on this forum).

    * For SIMS, I definitely got the research correct. I could tell which one is likely a pre-test, because it was straight from FAR and not covered in REG at all. Even though I probably did well on that one, it won't count. Regarding the remaining 4 SIMS, I can hardly remember what they were about. I remember one of them pretty well, but I can't disclose too much. Last note: EVERY SIM I had consisted of boxes with a cursor. NO drop-down in any of them. That's what really killed me – the thought that I can't just guess and still have a chance to get it right (if it were a drop-down).

    All in all, I felt more confident in MCQ than SIMS, but overall I just didn't feel good about this one. I've already begun studying again.

    Thanks guys!



    Congrats on conquering your nemesis BEC. I knew you would pass based on your experience.



    It definitely sounds like you had a harder testlet which is a very good sign. For my reg I knew I had aced first testlet and stumbled on the second testlet yet I ended up with a passing score. My sim experience was similar to yours. It was hard to gauge how I performed. It sounds like a score above 75 to me. Keep us posted!!


    Thanks Action. Hopefully you'll be able to predict a passing score for me when I give my exam experience next week lol.

    FAR: 75 Roger & Ninja (notes/flashcards/audio/MCQ)
    AUD: 73, 81
    BEC: 71, retake 8/29


    I definitely thought I bombed. It was the first exam I had ever taken… You know how people say that all exams start off with a medium testlet? Well, my first testlet for REG was the hardest one I've faced to date and I've taken three exams. The entire exam seemed to go bad for me, at least I thought. Ended up with an 89.


    Definitely thought I bombed it. Like @Over_It, I didn't think my first testlet was medium either. In fact all 3 were tricky and I thought I had failed for sure. Got a 92. Keep yo head up


    I took this back in July and really thought I failed it. It was my 3rd test and right after AUD. I came out of AUD feeling OK, which I guess the score reflects. But I came out of REG feeling a re-take was definitely going to be necessary, but nope – got an 84!

    Don't get too down on it.


    I knew I passed but thought I scored like 77 or something. I felt better about it than FAR. FAR was my first exam and that experience traumatized me a bit. I had only gotten 4 or 5 hours of sleep and was a nervous wreck. I ran out of time on FAR and the simulations were a huge mess. Left one simulation blank. Took over 20 minutes to find the answer to the research simulation and still wasn't sure if I got the right one.

    At least with REG I was well rested and had plenty of time to finish the exam. I even had time to double check my work and look stuff up in the AL for over 30 minutes. I found the answer to the research simulation in less than 5 minutes. One of the simulations was out of left field/bizarre.

    I was guessing majorly on the MCQs. REG was the only exam where I could definitely tell that the testlets became harder. With FAR, the 2nd and 3rd testlets took longer to finish than the 1st testlet but I didn't feel any difference in difficulty. In AUD and BEC, the testlets all seemed the same.

    FAR - June 2016 - 88
    REG - July 2016 - 89
    AUD - Aug 2016 - review phase currently
    BEC - Sep 2016 -

    Wiley CPA Excel & Ninja MCQ

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