Those who passed REG, how comfortable were you with the material?

  • This topic has 12 replies, 12 voices, and was last updated 8 years ago by D.
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    Were there complete sections you skipped or barely even studied for and still passed for example? In all honesty, overall, how prepared would you say you were for the exam?

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    I take mine on the 10th as well. How are you feeling about it? I'll get really good at one section, move on to another section, then when I return to it later it is like I didn't even do it. I have such hard time remembering some of these details.


    Know your basis!

    know your basis!

    Also, know how to navigate the AL!


    I felt the least prepared for REG, and it ended up being my highest score. I flew through the multiple choice and had 1:45 minutes for the SIMS, so I was able to use the AL for almost all my SIMS, and it definitely helped. I definitely didn't skip sections, but I didn't understand S-Corp or Estate Tax as well as I should have and it worked out fine for me. But ya, REG was definitely the least prepared I felt and brought the most stress and anxiety of any of the other exams, but it worked out allright.


    OP, i would say you definitely have to master tax. My first attempt, I mastered b-law and ethics and was overwhelmed by the trickiness of tax. My second attempt, I went through individual, partnership, and corporations tax hard without going through b-law and passed. Good luck OP!



    I'm honestly feeling pretty comfortable with it, but hopefully not overconfident. I passed a section in Dec and then another in Jan so I hope I am not underestimating REG. Recently took a quick practice exam and had 40 minutes left on the clock and ended up with a score of 65 with barely having studied any individual/entity taxation. I was overwhelmed at first with the material, but since I have a couple years working in audit and tax, I think helps for the information to actually stick! Plus the material on REG I am finding is very relevant (dare I say interesting) material to learn for any accountant.

    PS Good luck on Friday, I am pretty much locking myself away the next 1-2 days and filling up my brain with all the MCQs it can handle until my brain goes numb 🙂


    Basis for sure! It seems to be the most confusing part of this exam. I have been pounding these MCQs out so I am starting to see pattern recognition in how to answer these basis questions so I think I am picking them up pretty well.

    Any tips on how to best use the AL feature? I know how to enter in terms to do a “search” and “search within”, but are there any secret tips and tricks in addition to these basic searches?

    Thanks for the feedback guys!


    During my retake my Ninja MCQ scores were between 77%-85% on sets of 30's. I was trending 82% or something. I did all Ninja SIMS and averaged 80% or higher on them. I know I was understanding the concepts more because when I get it wrong I knew the reason behind it.

    I went into the exam feeling prepared and while I was doing them I was able to calculate the numbers given in the answers so I knew I was doing something right. As far as the SIMS I was able to use the AL to help guide me through and I finished all with spare time. Of all the exams I have taken REG is the only one I knew I passed coming out of prometric.



    Hello OP,

    I didn't feel comfortable with REG much at all – i took it on 2/27/17 and received an 80. I did all the Ninja questions for tax (leaving myself 400 Blaw questions unseen), the Wiley test bank, and used Wiley Focus Notes.

    For my final review I spent time on all of the tax sections doing MCQ's and only just reading the Wiley Focus Notes for BLaw.

    I felt uncomfortable with the exam simulations and barely had enough time to finish.


    @spartans92 @tygolfer I see people saying that they use the AL to help on the SIMs. Is there a specific way to do this? Or basically just advanced search and look for topics relevant to the SIMs and try to find answers within them? Taking REG tomorrow morning and feel like I'm kinda borderline, being able to find answers in the AL would be huge!

    BEC- August 31


    I am sitting tomorrow and am nervous as heck!

    It's a combination of it being my last exam, and the uncertainty of the exam. I am doing well with Ninja MCQs, and also performed well on the Wiley SIMs. So, it all rests on tomorrow…here's to kicking the exam's @ss!

    FAR: 9/3


    Good luck, just hit review phase today and I'm not feeling too comfortable with the tax material. There are just so many obscure rules for each section that it's hard to keep track of everything. March 10th exam takers – unite! Also, what is AL?


    I was trending at 68% using Gleim and made an 86. However, I thought I did pretty well on the simulations.


    I take REG in the morning too. I'm feeling so-so right now – my trending score is low 70's so that really worries me. Nonetheless, I'm going to give it all I got!

    Best of luck to those finishing out Q1!

    AUD - 74, 77! (1/2016)
    BEC - 80! (5/2016)
    REG - tbd (8/2016)
    FAR - tbd

    Study materials: NINJA MCQ/Audio/Notes

    "I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me!"

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