Terrified of REG exam…

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  • #174177

    Hello all,

    I’m new to the forum and am so glad I’ve found it. I have been having such a difficult time trying to study for REG. I got my NTS but haven’t scheduled a day yet. I work 9-6 everyday and workout from 6-7. I’ve bought the ninja notes, Wiley REG 2012 and test bank, and 2011 Becker chapter notes, questions, etc.

    I feel so overwhelmed. I feel like I’m rewriting the rereading the notes and they aren’t sticking. Is there any advise?

    Thanks so much.

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  • #378561

    practice MCQs eventually,everything will start making sense.

    Good luck!


    Just keep at it. I took REG today and it was terrifying even while taking it. You aren't going to remember everything, and ironically some of the things I memorized they provided (and used different numbers).

    That being said, after doing tons of practice questions and taking REG today, I feel like REG is a lot trickier than FAR. A seemingly simple question may actually require you to remember that there are exceptions, and that exception has a phaseout! Argh…

    I remember while doing some practice questions I'd get an answer right, but when I went back to look at the justification, my reason for getting it right was completely wrong. For example, one of the practice questions asked how much a taxpayer could deduct, and I chose zero because I thought the expense wasn't deductible. Unfortunately the answer was that it was deductible, it was just zero because the deduction got phased out. After that I tried to remember what things had phaseouts, what type of phaseouts they were, and when it happened. Unfortunately, it all started to blur together in the end.

    That made me paranoid during today's exam. The TBS were also a lot more difficult than any of the practice TBS I had, and it was really hard digging through the literature.

    I'd advise getting familiar with the tax forms, and what goes on them.

    FAR: Passed
    REG: Passed
    BEC: Passed
    AUD: Passed


    Do all the homework questions- thats the best thing you can do. The only test I failed was because I skipped A LOT of hw questions and spent hours and hours memorizing formulas. So when it came ti'm, me to take the test, I knew the formulas but had no idea how to apply them. I am studying for REG right now too and I am honestly not wasting my time memorizing everything, I'm just going through the homework and rereading the sections that are most heavily tested and not spending hours memorizing phaseouts and every single exemption amount.

    AUD: PASSED [81]; Expired, retaking August 23rd
    BEC: PASSED [83]; Expired, retaking July 11th
    REG: PASSED [83]
    FAR: FAILED [64]; Retaking May 23rd

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