Taking REG on 11/18- I'm so not ready….

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  • #162905

    Sorry, but I just need to start a rather pointless thread just to let out some frustration. I took REG on 8/30/11 and failed with a 64. When I took it that day, I felt really prepared and was ready to kick butt. But sadly, the exam defeated me with its detailed questions. I’ve studied like crazy for my retake this Friday 11/18 and have significantly expanded my knowledge, yet I don’t feel prepared at all this time. How weird is that??

    I just have a feeling that the AICPA is going to pull a fast one on me again and give me a lot of questions on my weak areas. I tried being strong on EVERYTHING, but gosh darn it, it’s impossible. My brain is so fried right now!!

    Oh well. In the event I receive a passing score on BEC next week, I will continue to study for REG even though I would’ve already taken REG. I have a feeling I’m going to be taking this part a 3rd time. The way they throw detailed questions on this exam, I really need to be proficient in absolutely EVERYTHING in order to pass this thing. It’s crazy. I do hope my brain will be able to absorb ALL this information by the end of 2012 before my credits expire.

    Anyways, sorry for whining, but I just needed to get this out of my system because I find REG to be very ridiculous!!!

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  • #307691

    You are not the only one. I could not even get my mind to accept REG. LOL. It was completely difficult to get through. But we are not going to let it stop us from getting that CPA.

    AUD - Passed:)
    FAR - Passed:)
    REG - Retake TBD
    BEC - Missed by 3 points Retake TBD


    hang on there, I took the REG today.

    It could get very detail in MCQ, but just you could do the answers with most questions without frying your brain.

    Leave more time with the fourth testlet. Because you may want to use the research tab to do the calculation. Unless, luckily, you got the questions that you are good at.



    I totally understand where you are coming from. But I think this time around using Gleim was really good for you. I used Gleim for BEC and am convinced it help me to pass. I think the mcq's are great. The way they are worded, they get you to see the concept in motion, so that when you do get that question from our of left field, you will know how to navigate the question to the correct answer.

    On another note, put that 64 behind you, look at your scores on FAR and Audit–fabulous scores–give yourself some credit, you can get past REG. I will be rooting for you on Friday!!! As I am sure many from the forum will be 🙂


    @yankeeaccountant- That is what's worrying me. Yesterday, I was doing my last my set of practice questions with Gleim and still can't kick butt. I was scoring in the mid-60s. By now, I should be getting 80s and 90s. I admit, Gleim is very random and sometimes, I get friendlier sets of questions and am able to score in the 80s. But it's very frustrating that I can't kick Gleim's butt every time, especially since my exam is tomorrow. Very frustrating.

    I have to admit, my Gleim performances on FAR were also pretty bad, but IMHO, the FAR exam is a lot less detailed. They throw in more basic questions on the actual exam whereas with REG, they will throw in nothing but detailed questions. REG is a totally different ballgame. With FAR, AUD and BEC, if you just study the basic stuff, you can get away with a passing score. With REG, it's not going to happen. They almost never ask basic questions on the exam.

    Of course, I probably just happened to get a bad exam last time, who knows? I'll find out tomorrow. I can only hope I get a better exam. But since I've overloaded my brain with so much additional information, it has literally shut down on me now.


    Good luck CPAman. Sounds like you've prepared well, all you can do is stay positive. As they say, ‘the more you prepare and study…the luckier you get on exam day.’ The time you put in will definitely pay off this time.

    FAR - 68, 79
    AUD - 82
    REG - 71, 71, 80
    BEC - 76

    Part 1: October 2013
    Part 2: January 2014


    @CPAMan—when I used GLEIM's questions for REG I was scoring the same as you…they are very random but I passed so don't sweat the small stuff!

    REG-80, 77, 77
    BEC-67, 68, 71, 67, 71, 74, 71, 74, 72, 77
    FAR- 72, 65,67, 53, 75 (truth be known the 53 was with 4 hours of studying)
    AUD-58, 62, 72, 74, 74, 75
    took 5 years but I'm DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    i don't think anybody ever feels “READY” for any of the exams, we just do our best to prepare and give it our best on test day.

    megan brought up a good point in her recent blog…i am going to be a cpa regardless of what i score when i sit on the 19th

    REG can't stop me, only i can stop me




    Thanks guys.

    I should be ok if I can bring in my A game. REG requires a lot of thinking and focusing, so it is important that my brain is fully alert during those 3 hours. With a little more studying tonight and a good night's rest, I should be able to do it. I can do this!!!!


    Good luck, CPAMan – you got this!


    Good Luck!!!



    Good luck with REG today!!

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