REG – October/November 2009 window - Page 6

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  • #156655

    I thought I would create this new topic for those that are taking REG in the October/November testing window. I am taking this test on October 19. Anybody have any experience with this section?

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  • #209742

    Well – if it makes you feel any better, most people struggle to finish REG in the time allotted.

    Hope for the best…you should know in…a month or so. Argh…glad I'm over with this torture!


    Jeremy & Jeff,

    When I took FAR in late August I also got a sim that was all different topics on different tabs. Very difficult! I took in the second window so not sure if I got a "new" sim, I got my grade with all the others in mid-late September.


    I've now taken FAR and REG within the last 6 weeks, and for both my sims were completely unrelated tabs. For FAR, I felt exactly as Jeremey does, that there was absolutely not enough time to even get through the reading portion. I was expecting the same with REG but although I had unrelated tabs, they were much more manageable to complete (or at least GUESS at). I'm curious as to whether my sims for REG were "new" or just a compilation of old sims put together. Either way, I'm now retaking FAR in two weeks, and I have the final review for Becker, but studying for this beast again is horrible.

    BEC 75 - REG 74, 88 - FAR 74,89 - AUD 92



    I took FAR on first Monday of this October and each tab in both of my sims were unrelated.


    Jeremy, and others who have recently taken REG:

    Are the simulations that you are all talking about particularly hard, or is the issue more to do with time because of how long and they were?


    I would say that the topics that my sims covered tend to be explained quite minimally by most study courses out there.


    ahh that sounds like both then! My test is in 10 days, so I am trying to prepare for it the best I can.. Friday I finished reading all the chapters and the MCQs & Sims. Since Saturday I've taken advantage of the long weekend.. woke up early, went to the library to re-read/skim the chapters and make notes of all the chapters.. got home just in time to go to sleep. I feel really comfortable with the material in Becker that I've studied, but then I am scared for the exam to test heavily on topics that weren't covered, or weren't covered in much detail. Worrying about that is so stressful because I just don't know how to prepare for that.. because I felt a bit like that when I took BEC, that some topics on the exam weren't focused on in Becker. Ahh sorry for the vent..


    Thats alright. Everyone needs to vent once in a while. Haha. i would say to just give a little extra time to the more elusice topics, and to know your formulas/limitations inside and out.


    yeah, thats what all my notes are on. I wrote out all the calulations, phase-outs, etc and then the descriptions of topics that I am not too familiar on and turned it into about 4 pages for each chapter. I have a great memory, so that stuff I can easily memorize.

    The law section is scaring me a bit, though because the topics are simple, but there is SO much to some of them. Buttt once I feel totally comfortable with tax, I am focusing on law. I already knew a lot of tax, and for some reason even though I don't like it, it sticks in my head. So.. law is my next big focus.

    I think I will feel more comfortable once I take the Final Exams, because if I do well on them then it will just assure me that I do really know the topics. I want to save those until I've totally reviewed everyting.. hopefully by Sunday.


    That sounds like a pretty good study strategy. Make sure to do A LOT of MC practice as this is 70% of the exam. I know everyone already knows that MC is 70%, but I think that we often forget, especially when we start looking at the sims during the exam. Be sure to keep studying all the way up until exam time and you will do great.


    I know, it is definitely easy to forget that! But, multiple choice what I do most really. I study the material and do the MCQs. I've only done the sims once so far, and I plan to do them again after I take my final reviews.. because it seems the best way to be prepared for them is to know the material. & my studying will definitely stay up.. I have all of my days planned out, haha it makes me feel better when I know what I should be doing each day.. this exam has made me so organized haha its so weird.

    Thank you so much, you've really help me be more calm just by listening!


    Spstarla78…I apologize for putting you on the spot, but I think that your answer to my question following this sentence will shed some important light on the REG exam. I noticed that you didn't pass REG on your first try and then you got a score that is not only spectacular, but is quite a large difference from your first score. My question is, what do you think made the difference the second time…study habits, study materials, exam, ect? Thank you in advance for answering this question.


    Just got out of REG for the second time. I feel horrible. Well, I am going to start working on Audting again!!


    ktsullivan: In my opinion and experience if you do well on the Becker Final Exams, your very well prepared. With each exam I found the final exams to be harder than the actual exam and in some cases very discouraging. I think I passed one of the final exams out of all 8 haha.

    Do you have Becker Flashcards and Final Review? I found them both to be very helpful!

    emc: Nobody comes out of the exam feeling amazing! Don't let it discourage you!


    Hmm.. for BEC I passed the first final exam with high 80s, and the second one I got in the 70s, but I actually scored a 74 on the exam : But anyways, I do believe that Becker's final exams are harder because thats what everyone says.. So, hopefully on Sunday when I finish the REG final exams, I will feel very confident!

    I don't have the final review but I do have the flashcards, which are great, especially the few days before the exam to keep everything fresh in mind. But I got the final review for BEC & the MCQs were great, but I didn't feel like I learned anything from the videos.. everything they emphasized I felt comfortable with. So, I didn't get it for REG

    My exam is next Friday. So I have every day from now until then planned out hour-by-hour haha! And at work, when I am not busy, I'm doing those free cpa review questions online just to keep thinking

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