REG – October/November 2009 window - Page 26

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  • #156655

    I thought I would create this new topic for those that are taking REG in the October/November testing window. I am taking this test on October 19. Anybody have any experience with this section?

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  • #210044

    Oh, I'm already so used to “WTF just happened” feeling after CPA exam:-) No matter how hard (for BEC) or how little (for AUD and FARE) I study – they always find something to puzzle me with. especially in simulations of course:-)

    I'm hoping for my intuition and smart guessing techniques to work – lol:))


    haha well for AUD i definitely felt prepared going in and came outta there saying …YES…i think i passed! i did – i got an 84. REG…not so much. there is soooo much material. i just found my exam difficult. i didn't even notice whether the m.c. questions were getting easier or harder as i went through each testlet because i found SO MANY of them to be difficult!! lol. so who knows. maybe i will get a nice surprise and find that i passed??!! hopefully we find out sooner rather than later! on to BEC for now…

    i am just hoping that everybody who sat for REG around this time didn't do so well either (but still passed!!!) haha so i have a better shot of passing with the whole scaling thing.

    ksf105 – i have also heard about people not finishing a sim and still passing! 🙂

    AUD - 84; REG - 90; BEC - 79; FAR - 75; ALL DONE!!


    MPoni – I took REG Saturday afternoon & yes was barely out the door when I asked WTF just happened. I was INside the door when I asked WTH is THAT. The prometric lady looked shocked & then just smiled like it was ok when I gave her an apologetic look. Same situation as everyone else – running low on time even though I read all about the time issues, entire tabs on the sims that were maybe 2 sentences in the review materials & a search function that I was about as useless as could be that I should have been searching online Christmas specials.


    I completely agree on the time crunch issue. I took the exam two weeks ago and felt really prepared walking in. I thought the multiple choice were ok for the most part but the simulations were awful. I found myself rushing through the first one (after panic set in) and then had barely 20 minutes left for the second. I completed the written portion, the research tab and part of two more tabs then I ran out of time. I just thought these simulations came out of nowhere and I definitely agree that they were way too involved given the time constraints.



    I feel exactly the same way. I felt well prepared walking in and the MC questions seemed to confirm that. However, the SIMS were very difficult (all fill-in blanks – not many selection type). Like you said, more than anything was the time crunch made me feel very rushed and the amount of time to concentrate just wasn't there. I had 1hr and 12 mins for both sims, but barely made it through….and that was rushing through them. I'm just hoping that I did enough for the 75! Good luck.

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