REG – October/November 2009 window - Page 24

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  • #156655

    I thought I would create this new topic for those that are taking REG in the October/November testing window. I am taking this test on October 19. Anybody have any experience with this section?

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  • #210014

    no i have gmail and g-chat



    Just sent you a private email


    dont worry about the rates and exemptions, just the theory for it.


    OMG!! I just finish my Reg exam for the second time. Nightmare; i dont even know if I will sleep tonight not to think about the date the exam will be released.

    During my first attempt, I came out knowing that I did well in multiple choice section and it turns out that I did. I only answered one tab question in my simulation and one communication, so I very well know my weakness right away and the reason why I failed. (Used Becker Only)

    In this forum, we have always talked about how well Becker or Wiley or any other text book prepared us. As far as I am concern, if anyone got my kind of first exam and used becker only and was able to finish both multiple choice and simulation, there is a very high chance that the person will pass.

    For my second exam, i can tell you with first hand experience, if anyone got the kind of second exam that I got, and you are not tax preparer like me, in my opinion it might be hard for the person to pass.( Becker & Yaeger)

    My first testlet was between low/meduim hard. So I am kind of confident of the first testlet-70% confident. However, my 2nd and 3rd testlet was something that I did not imagine that will appear. For 75% of the question, i have to read like a paragragh and re-read before even trying to figure out the answer. I was miserable in the exam. Just as I thought the second testlet was hard, the third was even harder. Most of the time, I guessed the answer. And my simulation Ughh!! Where in the world did they get that kind of question? Why do I have to get that kind of question; (Sorry, just mad at myself right now). Communication has a list of things for me to touch on while responding huuhh!

    Enough of my experience but my $.01 advice for anyone that is planning to take this exam, it is important to note that this exam comes in different form and shape. It all depends on the kind of the exam you got. You can either pass or fail using one source of information-Becker, Wiley etc. However, It will be good idea to supplement your text with Wiley if you don’t have money to buy Yaeger. Most of my tax question, I was able to get through it (you can call it guess through it) because purchased Yaeger after failing the first one with Becker. Before anyone could jump on my head, I am not saying that Becker is not enough or good, I am not even sure of 75% but with the kind of exam that I had today, add Wiley to your source. You can get it for $30 at amazon. I am not advertising for any one, but it is based on experience should incase you get hard question because Wiley’s tax question is a little harder than Becker.


    hey glenda when did you take your exam?


    I seem to get every single question wrong on Parol Evidence Rule in Becker software… Does anyone have a simple explanation of the concept? Thanks…


    Finally looked… 88 on REG!!! Makes up for that 74 the first time. Now just need passing AUD and FAR scores and BOOYA BAYYBAAY!!!!

    BEC 75 - REG 74, 88 - FAR 74,89 - AUD 92



    parol evidence rule–prohibits any evidence that contradicts the written contract terms.

    For example, Carl agrees in writing to sell Betty a car for $1,000. Betty argues that Carl told her that she would only need to pay Carl $800. The parol evidence rule would generally prevent Betty from testifying to this conversation because the testimony ($800) would directly contradict the written contract's terms ($1,000).

    I hope it may help u


    Thank you:-)


    did anyone use wiley as a supplement for REG prep and was it useful?


    I'm using the Wiely book for REG along with the Yaeger course.

    I did excellent on the MCQs but ran-out of time and didn't do well on the SIMS.

    I'm re-taking REG on November 29th….doing real good this week with the Wiley and Yeager; feeling very confident!

    BEC – 77, REG – 74 (retake Nov '29), AUD – 70, FAR – hahaha, so hard don't know, until Dec 15


    I don't feel confident at all. Instead, I feel overwhelmed and lost in all the rules, exceptions, deductions, exemptions, credits and adjustments… Exam is on Monday… I just hate this whole process…



    If using Becker, are you doing ok on the regular homework? I do fine on the homework but I get between 50 and 70 percent on the final exam questions. I think everyone complains about the final exam questions. Are you using Becker? I take the exam Monday also. Maybe we can help each other.



    I have used Becker for all the exams and have found your situation very typical. I have done well on the MCQ but when it comes to the practice final exam I scored mid 60's for FAR and AUD and around 60 for BEC. I passed FAR and AUD with 80 and 81 respectively and am waiting on BEC score. The Becker practice final exams for BEC were absolutely Brutal. Thank goodness the real exam seemed much easier and am feeling confident about the results. I am currently study REG but have not taken the final exam yet. Most people say that you score about 15-20 points higher than the Becker final exams.

    Good Luck on Monday.



    Thanks, everyone, for support and advice.

    Yeah, i am using Becker. I passed three other parts with Becker as well. I'm doing OK with homework… not as good as with auditing, but also not as bad as with FARE. Right now I am reviewing everything using Becker Final Review – I found it helpful in past.

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