REG – October/November 2009 window - Page 21

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  • #156655

    I thought I would create this new topic for those that are taking REG in the October/November testing window. I am taking this test on October 19. Anybody have any experience with this section?

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  • #209967

    NJT – I heard that if you do really well on the first multiple choice testlet, the second m.c. testlet will be harder. and then depending on how you do on the 2nd testlet will determine the degree of difficulty on the 3rd one! that was my experience for AUD. first testlet i felt wicked good about, then the 2nd testlet was way harder and the 3rd was in between. but i think they scale the harder questions or don't count them AS much as the easier questions.

    anybody else have any thoughts on that?

    AUD - 84; REG - 90; BEC - 79; FAR - 75; ALL DONE!!


    I have always heard that if you get a harder question right, then they count more than the easier ones so want the harder testlets in order to get more points….



    Yes, I'm using Becker.

    I do agree working the supplemental questions.. And I worked all supplemental and required but still..

    All the best on the 30th and hope you get good news on your audit score. I'm actually taking audit next.

    My advise is to read everything(not in depth), just to have a little knowledge on it all so you wouldn't be caught off guard.


    I did not have Farm Sims…should I be worried? 🙁

    Man, I am going nuts here. What the heck did I ever do to you to deserve this AICPA? I went through this for AUD and now REG?



    I don't think you have anything to be worried about. I'm in the same boat. Hopefully we will hear that they release REG later today!


    Hayley or Amanda,

    Since it seems like you guys recently took REGS…I just wanted to know if you used Becker or BISK and if you felt like it prepared you for the exam. Mine is next week and after reading some of these comments I am starting to freak out over here 🙁


    I used Becker and didn't have one question that becker didn't prepare me for.



    Are you serious? That has given me some comfort because i have done those questions several times. Did you pass REGS?


    I just got back from taking REG and all I have to say is WOW. Why in the world the examiners decided to make the SIMS that difficult is beyond me. I felt fine with the multiple choice ( I am using Becker to prepare), but I got to the sims and it was like I was outrunning an avalance… a ton of calculations covering many areas. I think Becker does a horrible job preparing for the sims. But then again I am not sure what else I could have studied to have felt ok about those sims. Oh well, can't dwell on it too much, just have to let the waiting process begin for my score! Its on to FAR for me!



    if you think the SIMS for REG were hard, wait until you see FAR's simulatoins! Becker really can't prepare you too much on simulations since they are always so random. Your best way to do well on those is just know as much material as possible and don't panic/get upset during them.



    I think Becker does an okay job for the MCQs, but it definitely does NOT prepare you for the Sims. As tax is such a broad topic, I do not think that any review program can fully prepare you for the Reg exam. The MCQs I got from the exam were a bit off, in that there are twisties in them that Becker does not prepare you for.

    I will be able to tell you more if I get my score in a couple of days/a month. =)


    Amanda – It's nice to hear some of us who did not have the Farm Sims that everyone has been talking about.

    Let's hope AICPA is gonna release the Reg scores this afternoon, then we will be able to get our score notification email tomorrow morning!


    taking REG 11/30…going through the supplemental questions (with Becker) is very helpful. just an FYI to everybody!

    AUD - 84; REG - 90; BEC - 79; FAR - 75; ALL DONE!!


    some of the supplemental questions are like mini simulations so it is really useful understanding some of the more complex issues

    AUD - 84; REG - 90; BEC - 79; FAR - 75; ALL DONE!!


    MPoni123 – I felt that way in AUD too.. the questions were easy then got progressively harder..

    My basis for my statement was that the first set of questions were doable, but calculation heavy.. then second set, not that bad,, but the third set, I had only a handful of questions with calculations that were peanuts compared to the first set, and my set had primarily non-calcuation tax questions, business law questions, and professional responsibility questions which I felt were relatively easier than the last 2 sets.

    If I pass, it would have been by the skin of my teeth, but I would not be surprised if I got like a 66 or so i'm not that upset now..

    Anyways good luck to us all.

    AUD-79 (7/09)

    BEC – 74,74, ? (11/09)

    REG – ? (11/09)

    FAR – (01/09)

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