REG – October/November 2009 window - Page 20

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  • #156655

    I thought I would create this new topic for those that are taking REG in the October/November testing window. I am taking this test on October 19. Anybody have any experience with this section?

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  • #209952

    Stacy, I'm confused on your question, but for B-Law the yaeger handout is good because the Wiley book is SO confusing for b-law. I use gliem *and* Wiley for MCQ practice. I like gliem better.



    i didn't realize that yaegar had handouts. I just purchased the online yaegar cram so hopefully that will help me pass. I was using Becker and BISK but felt like I needed to use another publisher. Did you take REGS already?


    Any word on if REG scores are out today?

    ? AUD - 87 (8/12/09)
    ? REG - 77 (1/15/10
    ? BEC - 77 (1/6/09 - Expired) / 79 (11/18/10)
    ? FAR - 75 (2/11/11)



    What publisher did you use to study for BEC (i.e Becker or BISK)? How was the REGS exam?


    I used BeckerMCQ are very comprable to what I saw on the exam… SIMs on the other hand… not sure any publisher could have prepared me for those… they are very confusing and make you second guess a lot… I think your best bet for those is just to know the MCQ and material real well in order to give yourself a fighting chance on the exam…

    ? AUD - 87 (8/12/09)
    ? REG - 77 (1/15/10
    ? BEC - 77 (1/6/09 - Expired) / 79 (11/18/10)
    ? FAR - 75 (2/11/11)



    Thanks a lot! Appreciate your help. I will go over those Becker questions again. I did them about 3 times already and I am getting in the high 80s but then again…the exam ALWAYS word the questions so tricky that I usually second guess myself. Hope that you pass your REGS exam!


    If you're getting in the high 80's on Becker (without just memorizing the answers) then I'd say you should be in good shape. I was in the 50's-60's and just took the test this morning. It was ROUGH for me.

    I suppose we'll find out in a month, but I am really feeling like I didn't do well.



    Did you use Becker? Or were the questions just “way out there”? I can never tell if i am memorizing the questions or not so I try to alternate between Becker and BISK which I hope will enforce the concepts. A lot of it though is memorization as far as the exemptions and standards go though. I am sure you did fine. Most people that think they failed miserably end up passing!


    Stacy – I used Becker. I wouldn't say many of the questions were way out there, but it was just so much to remember. I kept kicking myself knowing that I had JUST read something but couldn't remember.

    My simulations were a little wierd….for a couple of the tabs, I really wasn't even sure what they wanted. I just finagled the numbers as best as I could and threw them on.


    I took my test today too and It was easier than the firs time I took it. The SIMS were the part that were easier. The first time they were impossible and confusing. This time they were very straight forward although 1 tab I was shakey on. One communication was confusing and a subject I didn't know well so hopefully that wasn't graded.

    On the other hand my MCQs might have been a tad bit harder….some of the ethics ones I had not seen in my prep at all. Also I had two MCQs were the subject was never brought up in my materials and I had never heard of it in my life (tax questions).


    This is my experience: A complete DISASTER…

    Multiple Choice; First Set Really Hard, Second set Medium, Third Ridiculously Easy… I was somewhat confident overall on those.

    Simluations; My research tabs and communication tabs were easy. Otherwise, the questions asked in the simulation tab were not just OBNOXIOUS, they were just OBSCENE.. Every single question requested a numeric response, no pull down menus or radio buttons. It was just a complete DISASTER and threw me completely off guard.

    Content, generally speaking… I was excellent on professional standards, excellent on business law, tax,, was just to broad.

    Question: Is that a bad thing when it goes from really hard, to ridiculously easy? Has anyone encountered this?



    NJT… I had a similar experience, however my first tab was OK, second tab was ridicoulously hard, third was easy… and SIMs were all calculations… they say you shouldn't read into it too much, however, there is some truth in the fact that if it goes from hard to easy, you didn't do as well in the testlet preceeding the easy one…

    ? AUD - 87 (8/12/09)
    ? REG - 77 (1/15/10
    ? BEC - 77 (1/6/09 - Expired) / 79 (11/18/10)
    ? FAR - 75 (2/11/11)


    If we are not sure with the simulations and then just put numbers randomly to make sure everything is filled, do we get partial credit even though the answers are wrong? Do we get partial credit for the written part?


    I took REG Friday.. It was bad.. the kind of bad that you don't even know how u did.

    It seems that my exam was made up with most of the stuff they (my review class) said wouldn't be tested.

    In my opinion I had alot of B-law and my m/c for tax was 75% calculations.

    I didn't know if the exam was getting harder or if I just didn't know the things they are asking for.

    For the SIMs – ALOT of calculations!!!!

    I really don't know what to expect.

    Good Luck everyone..

    Can't worry about it too much now.. Have to study for Audit..


    melnp – i sit for REG on the 30th. sorry to hear your experience wasn't very pleasant! are you using Becker? i would recommend doing the supplemental questions as well. they helped me a lot. took AUD oct 14 – still waiting on score.

    AUD - 84; REG - 90; BEC - 79; FAR - 75; ALL DONE!!

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