REG – October/November 2009 window - Page 12

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  • #156655

    I thought I would create this new topic for those that are taking REG in the October/November testing window. I am taking this test on October 19. Anybody have any experience with this section?

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  • #209832

    Good to hear KT! I'm taking iton 11/4. How comfortable were you with the Becker Material? I've been through the MC 3 times. How many times did you go through it?

    ? AUD - 87 (8/12/09)
    ? REG - 77 (1/15/10
    ? BEC - 77 (1/6/09 - Expired) / 79 (11/18/10)
    ? FAR - 75 (2/11/11)


    Took REG this morning…wow it really kicked my butt. I am not counting on passing that one!

    My goal was to at least pass 1 of 2 this exam window. I am taking AUD on November 30. I have the bisk book and CD-ROM lectures. Does anyone think that would be helpful to get the Yeager CRAM with Wiley book to do the last week. I really don't want to purchase the Yaeger software since I am already invested in the bisk material.

    Please let me know what you think. I didn't know if Yager CRAM would be useful because I am doing the main part of the studying with bisk.


    JRH – Did you feel prepared going into it? What kicked your butt? MC? Sim? Both?

    ? AUD - 87 (8/12/09)
    ? REG - 77 (1/15/10
    ? BEC - 77 (1/6/09 - Expired) / 79 (11/18/10)
    ? FAR - 75 (2/11/11)



    I felt that I had prepared enough for the test. I read the entire bisk book, answered all the questions, and watched the bisk video lectures.

    I think I did well on the research and communication tabs of the simulations. Other than that, I felt that I was ‘marking' more than the usual amount of mc questions and guessing at more than the usual amount of simulation tabs.

    I guess we will see how it turns out.


    Hey JRH, I took REG in July '09 and failed with a 74, ouch!

    I used Yaeger Home Study! I did excellent on the MCQs, but I was not a good time manager and did not have enough time to do both SIMS, about 1:10.

    I also failed AUD with a 70 using the Yaeger Home Study course. The home study course is only 4 DVDs long, so I'm not planning on getting a CRAM course. I'm just going to do the course over again and do every MCQs in the Wiley book that comes with the course.

    I did poorly on the SIMS for AUD. I thought I aced the SIMS; I'm doing something wrong; I did not write enough in the written communications.

    My advice for AUDIT, is do tons of MCQs and during the exam, take your time doing the MCQs, you have enough time 4 1/2 hours and the SIMS aren't that bad, you just got to know all the material!..

    I'm using Yaeger for FAR; finished the course (14DVDs) and am in the process of reviewing all the Modules again. I'm feeling the best about FAR cause I don't want to fail again!

    I did pass BEC 77 on the first try using Yaeger Home Study.

    Good luck,



    I think the Becker material was good, & I felt comfortable with most of it. I think they explain everything well. I went through the MCQs 4 or 5 times, did the simulated exams where tehy give you 100 questions.. just to keep everything fresh. I did the final exams and worked on the areas that I didn't do well on. Just work through the chapters one by one until you feel comfortable. Thats what I did. If you can do all of the calcs in the MCQs without a problem.. you should be fine. Its hard to prepare for the sims though.. its just based on your overall knowledge so the best way is to feel comfortable with everything


    Thanks KT! Well, JRH, don't count yourself out yet!!! Good luck with the studying.

    ? AUD - 87 (8/12/09)
    ? REG - 77 (1/15/10
    ? BEC - 77 (1/6/09 - Expired) / 79 (11/18/10)
    ? FAR - 75 (2/11/11)



    Thanks for the information. I agree on the sims! I started with 1.50 hours left and just had a few minutes left. Those are definitely 45 – 50 minutes each!


    I took REG today and I used Becker and supplemental Gleim questions (because I felt Becker was light on the MCQs in some areas). I had previously scored high on my first attempts earlier this year on both Audit and Financial using Becker. Obviously, time will tell if I passed but I felt as though I wasn't adequately prepared despite having diligently studied over the last 2 months. My problem wasn't really the MCQs…more so the simulations. They were from left field and very time consuming (in the weeds). I knew time management on REG was an issue, and I am usually very fast, but I still was only left with 10 minutes. No real time to check my work (or guesses, in case of certain topics)! Has anyone else had trouble with the REG simulations this year? Anyone else find better materials from which to study for these?


    Hi I am taking Reg on Nov 30. I am currently studying the taxation topics and I have a questions. Which year do you think will be tested for most questions. Should I know the exemptions, amounts, and standard deduction for 2007, 2008, or 2009? Please let me know what you think



    I took REG in August and after studying for 5 weeks straight, felt I wasted my money on Becker. My sims were unrelated, ambiguous and confusing, even had technical difficulties with columns disappearing, but somehow I passed. My communications and research tabs must have pulled me through the sims because on one of my tabs there was something Becker covered in (maybe) a sentence in my REG review (but much better in FAR). My MCQs were very hard and I did not have a warm, fuzzy feeling there either. I was sure I failed, so don't underestimate yourself. You never know…


    Good morning everyone. Based on what I'm reading on some of the posts above, it is fair to say you should budget between 30-40 Min for the MC Testlets and budget more like 45-55 Min for each SIM testlet? Thoughts?

    ? AUD - 87 (8/12/09)
    ? REG - 77 (1/15/10
    ? BEC - 77 (1/6/09 - Expired) / 79 (11/18/10)
    ? FAR - 75 (2/11/11)


    @glogo2384, I would say 60 minutes, at the most, for all MCQs (3 testlets) and then leave about an hour each for the 2 sims. I think I'm a really great test taker, even when I don't know the info (I've taken GRE, GMAT, LSAT, ASVAP, Army entrance, all the NASD Series 7, 9, 10, 63, 65, Commodities, and the list goes on), and I nailed them all. I can honestly say this was a hard test, not so much for the material, but for the time. You get fooled when you finish the MCQs thinking it wasn't so bad, and the sims nail you. Just my 2 cents worth.

    I'll Pass Eventually
    REG (67, 66), BEC (79), FAR (5/26/10), AUD (August 2010)


    I agree. I had an hour & 54 minutes left for the sims.. left the test with 7 minutes left.

    Amethyst: From all of the posts, I think its safe to say that probably next to no one felt comfortable with their simulations, and it seems like everyone runs to the last minute of the exam.. I had 7 minutes left. The best we can do is just hope that we got something right on the sims! (and that the harder one was the pretest one)


    Both sims are graded – only 1 written comm. is graded, however…fyi…

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