T minus 11…how should I manage?

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  • #195172
    Last Chance CPA

    I take REG on Sat July 11, so I have 9 solid days to study. I never study day before but I am sacrificing July 4th weekend….

    I know half of you guys will say MCQs MCQs MCQs. I have done close to 4000 or 4500 MCQs over my several fails. I was thinking SIMs SIMs SIMs and continuously listen to Roger Cram…

    Need to jump from 69 to 75! Tax and SIMs are my downfall….

    FAR - 76
    AUD - 75
    BEC - 75
    REG - 76

    Now I need some experience!!! And some networking...

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  • #676354

    While I reworked my MCQ's at least 3x, I also reviewed the AICPA recently released questions and did those. In addition, I worked the SIMs at least 2x, if not more. I also listened to Ninja Audio on my commutes to and from work or when I was doing non-study type of activities (cooking, cleaning, etc..).

    I found out what helped me the most was memorizing all of the handwritten notes I took when I would encounter difficult topics or those “must memorize” areas. 2 days before the exam, all I did was memorize those notes and I said them over and over and over again. I also rewrote them over and over again.

    I felt very “Rain Man” esque with my reciting of those notes.

    Then I would brain dump some of that info right when I got in the room on the whiteboards.

    AUD - 93
    BEC - 80
    REG - 86
    FAR - 83

    Last Chance CPA

    Thanks Trip11. I will definitely “rain man” the crap out of REG this week. I won't try to remember Roger's mnemonics at this point, because I just got into Roger's materials recently, but I plan to brain dump everything. I am glad you reminded me of the AICPA release questions for REG for 2015. I have Jeff's 20 moderate and 20 difficult AICPA release MCQ banks for REG.

    I am going to listen to the Tax portion of Roger's Cram at least 2-3 more times…but SIMs is my focus in the last week.

    FAR - 76
    AUD - 75
    BEC - 75
    REG - 76

    Now I need some experience!!! And some networking...


    For my REG re-take I slammed SIMS..it was good to see questions in a different format. Like you, I had already done upwards of 4,000 MCQs. I also made sure to know how the IRC was laid out, which helped me immensely on exam day. I jumped from a 68 to an 83.

    I've been following your story and I am definitely pullin for you!

    CPA, CFE
    CISA- Experience will be completed by August 2016


    I did about 3000 MCQs for my 1st Reg test and I failed with 73. On my retake, I just focused on chapter 1-4 and I passed with a 86. I did about 6000 MCQs total for reg. I failed the first time due to the SIMS. On my second test, I scored stronger on everything. Honestly, I don't think my extra study contributed much to the passing. It is more “luck” since the sims were easier.


    For my last three days before REG, all I did was go through all the Tax, Tax Related, and Property Transactions Sims in Gleim.

    Last Chance CPA

    @skynet – My focus will be taxation related to partnerships, corps, individuals, property transactions…and SIMs!!!

    @Gabe – Thanks Gabe. I think they will have to create a lifetime story for me 🙂

    FAR - 76
    AUD - 75
    BEC - 75
    REG - 76

    Now I need some experience!!! And some networking...


    Last Chance: I know you've taken REG a couple of times. Be honest with yourself. What are your weak areas? Look at studying those hard and mastering the concepts.

    You say that Tax and Sims are your downfall. Tax is rather broad so I doubt it's as serious as you make it sound. Again, you know what has been giving you trouble (Basis? AMT? Like-Kind Exchangs?), hit those areas hard so they aren't weaknesses.

    As for the Sims, you can't really be ready for them on REG. You just need to understand the underlying concepts so you can apply those concepts as best as possible when you get to the Sims. By now you should be familiar with the AL which is the most important thing (I found a couple of my answers there while working my Sims).

    Good luck!

    Last Chance CPA

    @anglewatch – My weakest area where I have not improved in 4 tries is Individual Tax! WTF…for every other area, my progress reports have shown improvement.

    I will focus on Individual Tax, Partnerships, Corps, and Property Transactions…

    FAR - 76
    AUD - 75
    BEC - 75
    REG - 76

    Now I need some experience!!! And some networking...


    Last Chance CPA – Try understanding why you have been getting them wrong by understanding the explanations. Also don't expect to memorize the phaseout limits. It's too much to memorize. Just understand that certain credits will have phaseouts. One example is the sale of a home. I had a lot of questions on that.


    Last Chance CPA – Make the most of these last 9 days and go all out.

    Finally, remember not to get flustered on exam day. If you are unsure of a question just mark it and move on to the next question and come back to it later. Just relax, breathe, and reset. Remember to think back at what you have learned and studied and apply it to the questions. I have said in another thread that the review course and the exam is different. You will not get same exact questions. The review is only to show you how to solve the questions. That's how you have to think coming into the exam.

    Three hours is not a lot of time so manage it wisely.

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