Study time for REG

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  • #163265

    Hey everyone! I just got done sitting for audit and am going to start REG next. Tax is not really my strong point so I’m not looking forward to it. I read online the average is about 110 hours. I know it depends on material, person, background, etc. Just trying to get some feedback on approximately how long you studied for so I can try and plan around the holidays. Thanks for any feedback and have a good holiday =)

    AUD - PASSED - 84 -(11/21/11)
    REG - PASSED - 83 -(1/17/12)
    BEC - PASSED - 86 -(2/28/12)
    FAR - PASSED - 84 -(5/14/12)
    I AM DONE!!!!

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  • #310684

    60-80 hours, failed with a 68 🙂

    I guess you didnt want me to contribute since I failed but it is what it is

    BEC- 80
    REG- 68, 71, July
    AUD- 61 , 84
    FAR- -- 75 🙂


    I put in like 130 hrs. I'll see if it pays off in December 🙂

    Jeff's study guide recommends 120.

    Texas CPA
    Licensed, March 2012


    No I appreciate the replies regardless. Hope you get it next time!

    Okay I figured I'd be probably around 125 to 150 or something. I studied about 125 for audit and know I'll probably need at least a little more for REG… Goodluck I hope you pass! Congrats to both of you on your other passing scores.

    AUD - PASSED - 84 -(11/21/11)
    REG - PASSED - 83 -(1/17/12)
    BEC - PASSED - 86 -(2/28/12)
    FAR - PASSED - 84 -(5/14/12)
    I AM DONE!!!!


    For Reg I did approximately 4,000 multiple choice and 104 sim (52 of them twice). this was done over a three-month period. I took some crap on a much earlier thread saying this was excessive. Have not received my score yet, but it felt like it paid off. Even with all the studying, I only had about 20 mins remaining when I finished, One of my sims (probably test) was so long and complicated it took forever. Inside basis, outside basis, multiple partners, it was a marathon.


    Hey whatever works though. I hope it paid off and am sure it did! Were the sims a part of your review or did you purchase separately? Oh gosh that sounds awful, I'm dreading REG SIM's so much. Seem like they are pretty bad.

    AUD - PASSED - 84 -(11/21/11)
    REG - PASSED - 83 -(1/17/12)
    BEC - PASSED - 86 -(2/28/12)
    FAR - PASSED - 84 -(5/14/12)
    I AM DONE!!!!


    GNS – sims where part of my review course – Exam Matrix. Actually the sims where not bad at all, just the one I described and that one was probably pre-test. Overall I felt the test manageable. I would say 3 of the six sims where very easy – to somewhat easy, 2 where fair to tough and one was very challenging. Just do enormous amounts of mcq's and practive the sims because of the tricky type of questions.

    See Pee A

    @gns121584: I had 3 weeks from my FAR exam until my REG exam, so I was operating on a bit of a constrained timeline. But as you can see below, REG was my best section yet by a decent margin. It helped that I was doing everything on a short timeline, since even nearing my exam date, when I was doing final review the things I had forgotten weren't totally foreign to me. Again, I'm in school and not working so that also contributes to my time.

    My personal recommendation would be to limit it to four weeks if you can (not too long and not too short). I went through the MC's once, skipped the supplemental (ran out of time), and then during final review I focused on reworking a few problems from sections I felt needed more attention and then spent the rest of my time rewriting a “cheat sheet” while reviewing my lecture notes. Test day felt fine. I got through the MC's in about 1 hr 45 mins, leaving about 75 mins for sims. The sims weren't too difficult either, but I suppose I felt more prepared than I expected.

    Taxes (corporate and personal) are actually only about a third of the exam (including the credits, deductions, adjustments, AMT, etc.). The bulk is the taxation of corporate entities–not so much calculations, but what goes into taxable income, calculation of basis, and then business law. I got a C+ in my tax accounting class (given, I was a terrible student at the time), but have really pulled it together for these exams. It can be done. Good luck!

    BEC 86 (08/30/11)
    FAR 84 (10/13/11)
    REG 88 (11/08/11)
    AUD 86 (11/29/11)

    Exam prep - Becker self-study

    See Pee A

    @gns121584: Btw I probably spent around 4hrs/day for 3 weeks, so totaling 85-100 hours total.

    BEC 86 (08/30/11)
    FAR 84 (10/13/11)
    REG 88 (11/08/11)
    AUD 86 (11/29/11)

    Exam prep - Becker self-study


    I didn't keep track so this is an estimate but I think I put in about 60 hours total and I just found out I passed with a 78. BUT, I am a tax guy so a lot of the REG material came pretty easily to me. The law piece was my weakest area. I also thought I didn't do great on the Sims but my score report said I was stronger than most which seemed odd. I did not study for the Sims at all, I focused 100% on the MCQ's.

    Good Luck!


    CPASean, a 78 is as good as a 99, they give out the same trophy ! Nice


    Thanks Broadstreet. I hope I have the same experience with the SIMS, hopefully I will feel comfortable enough with them once I get to the exam. I'm an audit girl and when I took it Monday I found some of the SIMS to be pretty challenging. So I'm really nervous for REG since I am not much of a tax person.

    Cee Pee A thanks for the advice above! Thats what I was saying I don't want to drag it out, but yet I know I will need more time to study than I did for audit (which I did about 125 hrs). I'm thinking I'm going to try and take it the second week (or maybe even third depending how this next week goes) of January. With the holidays coming up I want to give myself enough time but not too much to where I am forgetting.

    CPA Sean, congratulations!! That is awesome. I wish I enjoyed tax Ha. Goodluck to you as well on your remaining parts!

    So I guess as far as studying based on the responses above it just kind of depends partially if you are a tax person. Thanks everyone for the replies. Have a great Thanksgiving! I'm starting my REG video this morning prior to enjoying a Thanksgiving feast =)

    AUD - PASSED - 84 -(11/21/11)
    REG - PASSED - 83 -(1/17/12)
    BEC - PASSED - 86 -(2/28/12)
    FAR - PASSED - 84 -(5/14/12)
    I AM DONE!!!!


    Don't really remember. Probably between 70-100 hours. I think I got a 77.

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