SOS – Boost of Confidence for REG

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  • #1443279

    My REG exam is in a few days, and I’ve been studying like crazy and now I just feel like I forgot everything, but at this point I really think I’m just burnt out from all of this.

    I also just took the REG practice exams with Becker and scored high 70’s on both….I feel completely discouraged at this point. Are the Becker practice exams harder than the actual exam or should I just start freaking out now? Anyone have experience with scoring low on practice exams but passing/getting a substantially higher score on the actual exam?

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  • #1443747

    @nk522 It is very natural to feel burnt out studying for this exam. But if you've put in enough time and stayed consistent in your study habits, you will be fine. I can't speak for everyone but I personally think that Becker practice exams are slightly harder than the actual exams. I was scoring in high 60's for both BEC and REG and ended up passing with a 80 and 78. Don't let those scores discourage you. I have found that Becker score + an additional 5-10 points is usually a fair estimate to gauge your preparation. You also have to remember that Becker tests result in a raw score. The actual exams are scored based on relativity of your performance to other candidates.


    @nk522 , just to add what Beet has said , it's not unusual to think you don't know anything on exam day.It's because there too many stuff and Becker's practice questions are tougher.Just add 10 marks on Becker's or Ninja test .You would be fine.Relax ,actual exam would be much easier .No 1 page question .Keep your cool in exam and manage the time properly.Time management is the key besides knowledge.

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