Should I Take REG in Jan?

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  • #1690073

    Hi all!

    So I currently have my 3rd take of REG scheduled for this month. I scheduled it right after learning I did not pass (again) in December. I was okay doing the retake in January because I had just taken the exam December 9th and felt like I could jump right back in. But I did not study as much as I wanted during the holiday break; in fact, I did no MCQ, just writing NINJA Notes. Then I had to do year-end work this past week, so not much happened then either.

    So I guess my question is, should I suck it for 3 weeks and just take it? Or push it to March? I’m planning on taking a trip in February so if I push the test out, I’d have to come back from the trip and jump into studying again. So probably end of Feb / March is when it would be taken.

    What do you guys think? Should I just do it? It’s my last exam, turning into my nemesis at this point, and I don’t want to pick the wrong day 🙁

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  • #1690085

    Take it.


    I say push it off if you're not under a time crunch. Reason being 4 attempts later I'm still trying to pass REG.

    REG requires 110% focus. My last 2 attempt 73 74 and my first exam expires 2/5/18.

    I'd say get thru yr end and trip then all out of REG.


    Could you push it out just a few weeks until right before the trip in February? If so, how much more time would that buy you? I'd say if you can get it 4 weeks out from now then just do it and knock it out.

    AUD - 56 - 68 - 61 - 9/8/16
    REG - 75
    FAR - 7/15/16
    BEC - TBD

    Wiley CPAexcel and NINJA 10 Point Combo


    The exam is scheduled for Jan 27, which is three weeks from now. The trip would be from Feb 2-7, so a week later. I originally scheduled for 1/27 because it is before the trip, but since I did not get a lot of studying done the past couple weeks, I feel pressured. I also want to be sure I don't wait too long and can't actually book a prometric day that works. The ones by me fill up quickly. I also am sure one of the reasons I keep not passing this exam is burnout from studying too long, so I thought studying in a quick burst would help.


    Honestly, I think that since it's a retake and you JUST took this one, 3 weeks might be enough time as long as you bunker down and study hard during that time. Hit the MCQs. Figure out weak spots and beef them up. And then regardless of how it turns out you'll get a break until after tax season. That's kind of what keeps me going right now on BEC.

    AUD - 56 - 68 - 61 - 9/8/16
    REG - 75
    FAR - 7/15/16
    BEC - TBD

    Wiley CPAexcel and NINJA 10 Point Combo


    I change my previous answer. Maybe postpone it.




    What are your weak areas per your score report? Have you looked at the AICPA blueprints? The reason I struggled with FAR was because it had a lot of material and I didn't know how to focus on the right stuff. REG has a lot of material like FAR. Use the blueprints to focus your studying and take it at the end of January. That is what I would do. But you have to hit it aggressively.

    BEC = 72 (6/08/16)
    FAR = ?
    REG = ?
    AUD = ?


    @curlygirl1213 I think you should push it back if your NTS isn't about to expire, you're not at risk of losing a passing credit, etc. If you did no serious studying over the holidays, it sounds like you'd just be going in to throw a hail mary. I'm not usually one to say push a test back, but you probably need more time to prepare. It'd be different if you had gone through all of the material again and just thought “I think I'm ready for this, but I need 2 more weeks as a safety net for studying.” But, in this case, I think you need the extra time. Not worth having to pay another exam fee. Just push it back, pass it, and be done with it.

    I hope this is somewhat helpful! In the end, it's up to you.



    Ethics, Prof Resp, Fed Tax Pro

    Prop Tax
    Indiv Tax

    SIMS Weaker
    Score 74

    Im not getting it when you say use the Blueprint. I have Ninja and Gleim. I basically answer questions by section and then review the lowest scoring sub areas to strengthen the cummulative average for that topic. Is that wrong? What's the best approach to sync my study to the Blueprint?


    Anything that has an analysis box checked on the blueprint next to it is fair game for a SIM. Know that stuff really well because it can be a MCQ OR a SIM. Also, it's highly unlikely that you will see a business law sim. If you do, I bet it's a pretest. Another user on here @ana and I used the blueprints to finally knock out FAR. She got 3 73s back to back on FAR. She was stronger on MCQ and weaker on Sims (your case)

    BEC = 72 (6/08/16)
    FAR = ?
    REG = ?
    AUD = ?


    Per my score report, I was weaker in everything except Ethics, which I was comparable in… So I know I have some gaps to fill. I'm thinking I'll give it a couple days of studying hard over the weekend and see how I feel tomorrow night. I am already leaning towards pushing back because I'm feeling the pressure of passing, but I've really been studying this section for almost 8 months straight and I'm tired of looking at it, which is why I thought January would be a good testing time – get it over with sooner.

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