Should I reschedule Reg?

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  • #188186

    I literally just got ~50% on the becker practice final 1 m/c. Not feeling so great right now. It’s by far the worst I’ve done on a Becker practice final. I started my career and moved into an apartment these last few weeks while I was studying which is what I’m going to blame my lack of preperation on haha. My test is August 31st at 8am which means I have a decent amount of time to still drill questions and prepare. What would you guys do if you really didn’t feel confident a day or two before your exam? It’s my last one so I feel like I could just give it a shot, but then again, I could also reschedule to early October and potentially save money if I were to fail this time around. ugghhhhhh feeling so defeated.

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  • #589792

    I think preparing for REG has demoralized most people. Let's just take it at the end of August and finish this thing.


    agreed! about 3 days ago i got a 65 on the first practice test. i was panicking and felt pretty down but after restudying all sections (reading the outlines for each chapter and goes over the mnemonics and redoing the last practice test) i got an 81 on practice test 2! you can do it! my test if Thursday and I am feeling a lot better.


    I would say go for it. So far I've never even made it to have enough time to finish all the material… much less take a practice exam. You know what you know & take it with confidence!!

    "Don't worry, beeeeee happy!"

    Unhappy with job, long distance boyfriend, not much studying:
    FAR- 66 [08/28/12] AUD- 61 [10/04/12] REG- 59 [11/28/12] BEC- 63 [01/11/13]
    Year off (from exams): Got new job, got married, moved, etc
    ✓ AUD- 79!!! 01/10/14 FIRST PASS!! WOOOO!!!
    ✓ REG- 73 02/27/14, 81 10/27/14
    ✓ FAR- 83 5/16/14
    ✓ BEC- 80 7/24/14
    ✓ Education ✓ Experience
    Ethics Exam


    I'm in the exact same spot as you. I'm just trying my best to go nuts on the material and give it my best shot just in case I can pull this one out. Go for it

    Passed - 2014

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