selling my seat

  • Creator
  • #1500325
    shawn in VA

    I have an exam scheduled at Prometric for MARCH 10. Since it is the LAST day of the testing window and the LAST day you can take the exam under the “old” format I am selling my seat. I hear many prometric centers are booked this day. All you have to do is pay my $35 reschedule Fee and a “premium” of lets say $500 and the slot is all yours.

    BTW the prometric center is in the WASH DC area. and exam is MAR 10 at 11 AM . perfect time..sleep in a little, get some breakfast and take the exam.

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  • Author
  • #1500330

    Can you do that?



    B - 77 (2.27.16)
    A - 81 (4.18.16)
    R -
    F -

    Roger Review + Ninja MCQs


    People who are not ready to take it, will sell their seat for free, good luck.


    LOL. How do you ensure people would get the seat.. What if it's taken the moment you drop? This is a first but I find it pretty hilarious and I applaud you for having the guts to post on here.


    shawn in VA

    Spartans- I have not done this before but my thinking is I will be on the phone with the buyer. So when I drop they will check the availability right after I drop and theoretically a spot would be freed up

    Forgot to add MAR 10 is a Friday and for all your out of towners the testing site is 20 mins from our nation's capital. Great weekend getaway during busy season or perhaps celebrate after taking the exam. weather has been mild lately.


    Hopefully you can find someone in your area who will buy it! I hope you do. At least you'd make back some of the $$ you paid out for these ridiculously expensive tests. This is probably the only time you could realize a large profit, due to the format change effective in another 32 days or so.


    I don't think it will work out as easily as you are thinking it is. I don't believe the Prometric seats are automatically updated, but I could be wrong there.

    But I hope no one pays for this. OP, hit the books and take the exam.


    Explain to me how you expect the buyer to just leave the building with the seat? Let alone not draw attention to the Prometric people wanting to know why they are taking the seat out of the testing room.



    Scalping exam seats. Classic but won't work.

    Licensed Massachusetts Non Reporting CPA since 2012
    Finance/Admin/HR Manager


    “Dear AICPA, I just paid this guy $500 for his seat in wash dc on March 10 at 11am…” Not much more far fetched to think this could damage your career than to think someone would pay a complete stranger for an exam time.

    Licensed Massachusetts Non Reporting CPA since 2012
    Finance/Admin/HR Manager


    Shoot, I live near Chicago, I better buy a plane ticket fast to fly over to D.C. so I can buy that seat. I'll pay $600 by the way. I always wanted to visit our nation's great & wonderful capital.


    Do you guys think this is an ethics violation? To me, it's just a bit of entrepreneurial spirit! $500 is a bit steep though.

    FAR- 74, 78 (10/15)
    BEC- 73
    REG- 65, 88 (05/16)
    AUD- 7/16


    I'm pretty sure Jeff or one of the mods will ban this post. OP, one of the rules here is, you cannot exchange personal info anyway, so asking for a phone number is a violation of this forum in it self… just a heads up.

    BEC: 5/21/14 82! PASSED HALF WAY THERE!
    FAR: 4/2/15 80! Almost there!
    AUD: 69, 74, 4/3/14 81! PASSED
    REG: TBD


    While it may be against the forum rules, I don't believe it would be an ethics violation unless he took someones money and they didn't get his seat.

    This is a BEC topic – economics, supply and demand. Limited to no supply demands a higher price 🙂

    Good luck on selling it. Personally I don't think it would be feasible to coordinate.

    First go at the CPA! Only using Becker
    Reg / Nov 2015 - 87
    Far / Apr 2016 - 79
    Bec / May 2016 - 80
    Aud / Aug 2016

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