s-corp member income

  • Creator
  • #1887268

    As per my understanding of it, terms such as employee salary/officer compensation are deducted to determine ordinary s-corp income and not added to partners k-1

    terms such as guaranteed payments are deducted from s-corp orinary income and appear on partner’s K-1 (like partnership)

    is the above correct? if so what would be the ideal treatment for terms such as
    – payment/compensation to partner A
    – Salary to partner B

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  • Author
  • #1887427

    I don't think there is such thing as ‘guaranteed payments' in S corp
    All of the salary of an S corp shareholder employee appears on his W-2 (subject to payroll and income tax) as long as it's reasonable conpensation and is deductible to the corp. His share of S corp income is on K-1(subject to income tax only, no SE tax)

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