Running out of time?

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  • #199976

    Any tips how I can combat running out of time? Im terrified that I won’t be able to finish REG and thus fail. The other 3 hour exam, BEC, was a nightmare for me. I admit I definitely let myself get bogged down on trying to solve and wasting too much time on some difficult variance problems and debating too many answers. But still, I only had about 20 minutes once I got to the WC. Being that WC on BEC is only 15% and I was able to jot some sentences down to earn me a little credit, by score didnt seem to be hurt by this time crunch.

    I know 20 minutes though will NOT be enough for 7 REG sims though…and I cannot afford to mess those up being 40%! Any slow test takers out there care to share how they managed REG?

    Or anyone else run out of time on BEC and then by some chance not have an issue finishing REG?

    AUD: 98
    REG: 91
    BEC: 86
    FAR: 83

    DONE DONE DONE and DONE all on the first try! It IS possible, just keep on studying!

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  • #757478

    I took REG back in November and am using Roger, but he suggests 45 mins/testlet, which leaves you with 15 mins for each SIM. I'm a fast test-taker, but one thing I never do is flag questions. I read each question twice before selecting an answer, but as long as you can pick between two, do so and move on. Keep in mind that each MCQ is only worth a little over a point, and that's if it's not pretested. The SIMS on the other hand are worth 8 points each. Also, keep in mind the AL is available to you for all of your SIMS, not just the research one. So, if you have enough time, you could possibly get more points by using the AL to confirm your answers. If you waste too much time on MCQ's, you won't be able to do this.

    BEC - 88 8/29/15
    REG - 82 11/14/15
    AUD - 83 1/8/16
    FAR - 80 2/29/16

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