Retaking REG – Really need advice!

  • This topic has 28 replies, 10 voices, and was last updated 10 years ago by kpb.
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  • #191181

    Failed REG my first time with a 68…. probably due to the fact of not having as much time as i wanted to review, took a break in between because i started working, only read the book and did the questions, didn’t have time to watch all the lectures…

    Now i need help knowing what to do:

    I’m watching all the lectures and doing the MCQs in Becker…. Will that be enough? THe material is coming back to me again and I honestly don’t know why i failed…the questions in Becker seem “really easy” and so were the ones on the exam however, i felt they asked such simple questions that I got confused because it wasn’t emphasized on becker.

    I feel like I missed silly questions on the exams like knowing when to file different tax returns that was not emphasized in becker at all. I got weaker in MCQs and Comparable in SIMS, failed witha 68.

    Help? Advice? When are the due dates for all the returns? I thought it was always 3 months AND 15 days after the fiscal year end, or april 15 if a calendar year end.

    Any help is greatly appreciated.

    Thanks guys!

    BEC - 81 4/08/14
    FAR - 80 8/25/14 Thank you Jesus!
    REG - 69 (Nov 14),80 1/08/15 Thank God!
    AUD - 70 (May 14), xx 5/1/15

    Becker Online & Becker Flashcards
    I definitely wish I was one of those people who got all 4 exams done in 4 months, but unfortunately LIFE (being a newlywed, stress, adjusting to newlywed life and cpa exam study life, as well as starting a job with a Big4 which I am very happy about) got in the way, just happy that I am passing period!!

    I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!

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  • #645868

    Planning my retake for hopefully next week since after that I know i will have no time to study bcuz busy season will begin.

    I've already gone over 7-8 and 1-2, will hopefully start 3 today also.

    BEC - 81 4/08/14
    FAR - 80 8/25/14 Thank you Jesus!
    REG - 69 (Nov 14),80 1/08/15 Thank God!
    AUD - 70 (May 14), xx 5/1/15

    Becker Online & Becker Flashcards
    I definitely wish I was one of those people who got all 4 exams done in 4 months, but unfortunately LIFE (being a newlywed, stress, adjusting to newlywed life and cpa exam study life, as well as starting a job with a Big4 which I am very happy about) got in the way, just happy that I am passing period!!

    I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!


    Corp deadline is 3/15 with extension deadline at 9/15. Individual deadline is 4/15 with extension deadline at 10/15. trust me you'll never forget the deadlines after busy season haha.

    BEC - 76 7/22/14
    AUD - 84 8/30/14
    REG - 75 10/16/14
    FAR - 87 11/24/14


    Don't forget all the misc estates/trusts/gifts due dates such as Form 706 and 709.

    FAR - 86 7/2014
    AUD - 95 10/2014
    REG - 87 1/22/15
    BEC - 84 7/2015


    Thank you! Any other restudying advice is appreciated.

    I am just watching all the lectures that i didnt watch the first time around and redoing all the mcqs, don't think i'll have time to go through all the sims, but if i do, i will just read through the solutions. I may also reread the outlines in the becker software for each chapter. hoping this is enough to get be above the 75

    BEC - 81 4/08/14
    FAR - 80 8/25/14 Thank you Jesus!
    REG - 69 (Nov 14),80 1/08/15 Thank God!
    AUD - 70 (May 14), xx 5/1/15

    Becker Online & Becker Flashcards
    I definitely wish I was one of those people who got all 4 exams done in 4 months, but unfortunately LIFE (being a newlywed, stress, adjusting to newlywed life and cpa exam study life, as well as starting a job with a Big4 which I am very happy about) got in the way, just happy that I am passing period!!

    I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!


    I don't know if you've done the sims for 3 or 4 yet on Becker, but if not, those are some eye opening questions. They tested my knowledge of the material in chapter 3 and 4 to the next level. So, make sure you spend A LOT of time on those.

    FAR - 86 7/2014
    AUD - 95 10/2014
    REG - 87 1/22/15
    BEC - 84 7/2015


    I spent some serious time on Blaw during my last week. Those questions can get kinda tricky. I am glad I put in that time because I may not have passed without it. But, I didn't pass by much so I may not be the person to listen to.

    I agree that the SIMS in Becker, were great practice.


    thank you both of you!!!

    I will make sure to take my time looking at the sims for 3 and 4.

    BEC - 81 4/08/14
    FAR - 80 8/25/14 Thank you Jesus!
    REG - 69 (Nov 14),80 1/08/15 Thank God!
    AUD - 70 (May 14), xx 5/1/15

    Becker Online & Becker Flashcards
    I definitely wish I was one of those people who got all 4 exams done in 4 months, but unfortunately LIFE (being a newlywed, stress, adjusting to newlywed life and cpa exam study life, as well as starting a job with a Big4 which I am very happy about) got in the way, just happy that I am passing period!!

    I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!


    I printed out tax forms that I thought would likely be tested (S-1, K-1, M-1, 1040, etc.) and I'm glad I did. I didn't memorize the forms at all – no need since they are pretty self-explanatory, but just reviewing them helped put some of the concepts in place. Also, don't rule out BLAW! Take some serious time in order to get a solid understand of the many BLAW topics.

    FAR: 74, 83
    REG: 76
    BEC: 77
    AUD: 89


    I've reviewed each chapter (tax and blaw) the same: watched the lectures and re-did all of the mcqs (when I saw re-did, I mean like once since i last took the exam) it all seems to be coming back to me better this time, i just feel like sometimes the questions are testing the little details and sometimes i forget them. i'm hoping that wont happen during the exam.

    when i finish going through all the chapters i'm going to read all the outlines for each chapter to refresh my memory again.

    BEC - 81 4/08/14
    FAR - 80 8/25/14 Thank you Jesus!
    REG - 69 (Nov 14),80 1/08/15 Thank God!
    AUD - 70 (May 14), xx 5/1/15

    Becker Online & Becker Flashcards
    I definitely wish I was one of those people who got all 4 exams done in 4 months, but unfortunately LIFE (being a newlywed, stress, adjusting to newlywed life and cpa exam study life, as well as starting a job with a Big4 which I am very happy about) got in the way, just happy that I am passing period!!

    I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!


    Yes! The little details…ugh. I once saw a discussion where someone gave the advice that the very first thing they should write down when they begin the test is “RTMFQ”. If you haven't heard of it, it stands for Read The Mother (bleeping) Question. I had the bad habit not fully analyzing what the question was asking – surprising because I'm a woman and women typically over-analyze everything.

    And everyone at Prometric probably thinks I'm nuts, but after reading the question I then restate the question in my head, in my own words (I know it looks like I'm just silently talking to the monitor).

    FAR: 74, 83
    REG: 76
    BEC: 77
    AUD: 89


    FAR 2Q know RTMFQ very very well! Looking @ you Mamabear! 😉




    lol i've read about it.

    The tricky part for me is remembering which transactions constitute ordinary gains, capital gains/losses, taxable/non taxable, for all the interest distributions etc. know what i mean? it's so easy to confuse them between the different entities

    I honestly don't know why I didn't pass 🙁 i got weaker in all MCQs and comparable in sims, didn't understand that one ha hopefully this time will be better!

    and I did chapters 7-8 the week of Christmas, this week i did 1-4 already, just have 5 and 6 left. and my exam is next week thursday. hopefully i can remember everything and not forget the details

    BEC - 81 4/08/14
    FAR - 80 8/25/14 Thank you Jesus!
    REG - 69 (Nov 14),80 1/08/15 Thank God!
    AUD - 70 (May 14), xx 5/1/15

    Becker Online & Becker Flashcards
    I definitely wish I was one of those people who got all 4 exams done in 4 months, but unfortunately LIFE (being a newlywed, stress, adjusting to newlywed life and cpa exam study life, as well as starting a job with a Big4 which I am very happy about) got in the way, just happy that I am passing period!!

    I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!


    @kpb whens the retake?



    few days before you ….crappy we didnt pass what are you doing to restudy?

    BEC - 81 4/08/14
    FAR - 80 8/25/14 Thank you Jesus!
    REG - 69 (Nov 14),80 1/08/15 Thank God!
    AUD - 70 (May 14), xx 5/1/15

    Becker Online & Becker Flashcards
    I definitely wish I was one of those people who got all 4 exams done in 4 months, but unfortunately LIFE (being a newlywed, stress, adjusting to newlywed life and cpa exam study life, as well as starting a job with a Big4 which I am very happy about) got in the way, just happy that I am passing period!!

    I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!


    @kpb I went over everything in Becker again and supplemented it with NINJA MCQs/SIMS. I'm actually doing every single simulation from the NINJA materials and have been getting a good mix up of MCQs.

    From going over the material again, it's pretty clear what I didn't understand the first time and this was

    1) S Corps

    2) C Corps E&P and distributions

    3) Gifts/Estates/Trusts

    Also, rewriting my notes and NINJA notes multiple times

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