Regulation for the third time – Cram Course

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  • #1630487

    Hi everyone,

    I am very demotivated and I need advice from you. I recently found out I failed REG for the second time, so I have to retake it in November. I have about 6 weeks to study again.

    I read in some of the threads that I need to study like I never studied before since the beginning, but it doesn’t work for me. I am not motivated and I am tired of going through the same info again. I am using Wiley CPA, but I am thinking on using a cram course or doing another regular course. I think I might need to change something about my studying habits. Maybe doing the Ninja Notes alone might help me.

    Do you have some advice for me, I have lost all motivation … Does anyone going through the same or did something to help them pass? Is Wiley CPA the problem? Roger might work for me?


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  • #1630495

    Rogers crams are good but they're essentially just the regular lectures condensed into only the most important information in about half the time. However, I always did them after I did the regular course so I had a really good grasp of the material by the time I got through the crams. I also did all of the mc and Sims for rogers and Becker until I had 100% completion, so yes they have worked for me but I also studied very hard for the exams outside of the cram courses.



    Surgent could be helpful to dilute the study time by capitalizing on the strength area with advance friendly screens
    I am doing the REG for the second time on Oct 3rd, and I feel better than going through Gleim in details again one more time


    I passed REG on my third try back in April using Roger's cram. I also bought the Ninja MCQ, but only had about four days to use that so I didn't get through very much of it. Don't know if I finally passed because of Roger, or if I just got lucky with the questions I had on exam day, or what. But Roger definitely helped clarify a few things I was struggling with, so I think his course would be worth it for you!

    I would also like to add that I used only Wiley for my first two attempts, then decided I needed to go a different route for the third one.


    You have to study like you've never studied before, there's no way around it. If the difference between being DONE with the exams forever, or having to take REG for a fourth time isn't motivation enough I don't know what to tell you.

    The good part is you don't need motivation, you do things every single day that you're not “motivated” to do, go to work, vacuum, laundry, walking the dog. For the next six weeks you pull out ALL the stops even when the very thought if it makes you sick.

    Then you'll be done.

    Licensed Massachusetts Non Reporting CPA since 2012
    Finance/Admin/HR Manager

    Pork Flavored Bacon

    I agree with Missy.

    I failed FAR four times and was on the verge of quitting. A few motivational words from one of my pals got me to go nuts and finally pass it by the skin of my teeth.

    It is worth the pain, CristyLu11. Pass this last exam and be done with this forever.

    FAR - 75 | REG - 87 | AUD - 82 | LAW - 81


    I don't think it's a matter of what course you choose to take, it's your study method that matters. Many are going to tell you to start from the beginning since this will open your eyes to details/rules you missed out on earlier. However, I know this could be difficult because it is 1) time consuming 2) you may end up skimming thinking you already know the material, bringing you back to point A. If starting from the beginning is burdensome, I'd recommend testing your knowledge through MCQ. Throughout my exam prep experience, I tested my knowledge by changing the question a bit to see if I really knew the material. For example, I just took FAR and when I got a practice question on calculating depreciation expense using, let's say, double declining method, I'd ask myself how would I have done this using straight line/fixed rate/sum of the years/etc. This helps to know if you really know how to calculate depreciation, not just double declining. I did this for all my exams and passed on the first try (TBD for FAR) so I hope it works for you 🙂 Good luck!


    Thank You all,

    I agree that being done should be all my motivation and I am going all for it. I decided to get the cram course, and try other of your tips to get me through this because like @missy Having not to do this exam for the 4th time should be enough motivation for me. And it is for sure.!!

    Thank You so much for you advice and words!! … I will let you know how it goes for me on November 11.


    I have this question which is not clear for me, appreciate further clarifications

    An employer having an experience-based unemployment tax rate of 3.2% in a state having a standard unemployment tax rate of 5.4% may take a credit against a 6.0% federal unemployment tax rate of
    Correct a. 5.4%
    This answer is correct.
    An employer is allowed a credit against FUTA tax for unemployment tax paid to a state. The credit is the tax paid to the state but is limited to 5.4% of the first $7,000 of wages paid. Because the state taxes 5.4% of wages, that is the amount of the credit. The credit has two components. The normal credit is for actual contributions to a state fund. The additional credit is for the excess of the taxes payable at the highest state rate or 5.4%, whichever is lower, over the actual state contributions. This provision rewards employers with a stable employment experience and therefore lower state rates.
    b. 3.2%
    c. 6.0%
    d. 0%


    @CristyLu11 – I saw that CA granted you a 90 day credit extension. Would you be able to send me the information on who I need to email for an extension in CA? Also, what did you say in order to get this extension? Thank you in advance!

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