Regulation Exam: 2011 or 2012 tax figures?

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  • #176530

    I am currently studying for Regulation using Becker’s 2012 software. The book has a 2011 copyright and software seems to be done in 2011. I have checked the updates on Becker’s website and have made corrections in my book. However, I am wondering what yearly amounts the examiners are testing on? Considering that Tax amounts are constantly changing I would like to make sure I am using the correct figures/Tax Tables/Phase out amounts when it comes time for my test in April.

    Does anyone know?

    "If you're going through hell, keep going"
    - Winston Churchill

    "I've missed over 9,000 shots in my career. I've lost over 300 games. 26 times I've been trusted to take the game winning shot, and missed. I've failed, over and over and over again in my life. And that is why, I succeed."
    - Michael Jordan

    BEC: (54), (72), 80 (losing credit on 02/02/15 - nervous)
    AUD: 78
    REG: (74), 91
    FAR: (71)

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  • Author
  • #403771

    When I took the exam a few months back I don't recall it asking for specific dollar amounts on the items that change regularly such as standard deductions. I believe when these figures were needed they were provided. With that being said, I would focus use the 2012 figures in studying.


    There are definitely a few dollar amounts I would make sure to know. I definitely memorized the amount that is allowed to be expensed the first year for organization expenses ($5000-2012, $10,000-2013. the rest amortized over 180 months) and the exemptions allowed for estates and trusts (both simple and copmlex). Don't worry about knowing the phaseout amounts (just that a phaseout exists for specific credits & deductions) and or anything nitty gritty like that, that changes year after year.

    AUD: PASSED [81]; Expired, retaking August 23rd
    BEC: PASSED [83]; Expired, retaking July 11th
    REG: PASSED [83]
    FAR: FAILED [64]; Retaking May 23rd


    Maybe I'm confused, but I think organizational expenses have always been deductible at $5,000 with a dollar for dollar reduction for the amount over $50,000 (residual amount amortized over 180 months). For TY 2010, the deduction for start-up costs was changed to $10,000/$60,000, but then reverted back in 2011 to $5,000/$50,000.

    Is there something else going on here for which I have received no information?!?!

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