REG CPA Exam Score Releases: July/August 2010 - Page 12

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  • #157975

    BEC is out. Hopefully it is not too much longer for us! Sadly, REG always seems to be last :-/

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  • #240610

    @unreal, yeah, I've been kicking it back into gear. I have convinced myself to complete 3 of the Yaeger lectures a night, even if I'm tired and want to go to bed.

    So, far I have stuck to the plan, and am finally finishing up DVD 4 of 10. It's going to be tight to be ready by the 31st, but I have several vacation days I can use to get there.


    @unreal….how did REG go yesterday??



    You go girl, i am watching out for you.All the best.


    CPA-Valenz: REG actually seemed pretty easy. I definitely got the feeling that I passed, unlike when I took FAR. The simulations were primarily responsible for that; I was given very very easy simulations to complete. Luck was definitely on my side in selecting those simulations.

    The first multiple choice testlet was almost a giveaway. The questions were very straight forward. The next two testlets were definitely a level up from the first, but by no means difficult.


    Hello everyone. I will be planning to take REG 8/31. I don't know why they put in so much info about Business Law when its only 20% of exam? (not including Professional Responsibility which is 20%) in comparison Tax is like 60%? Guess I'll focus most of my study Tax and Pro Resp/Sox since I have a short time frame from now to 8/31.


    Does anyone know when to expect REG scores for Wave 1? I am a new user and learned about this site recently. This is my last part and I am very anxious. I took REG on July 2nd.


    Quick question; and may start my own post. Has anyone used Wiley AND Becker? I used Becker for FAR, AUD, and BEC with success. To add, I also used Wiley for some supplementary on BEC and AUD.

    I picked up the REG Wiley book for additional MC but now feel as though my time is thin with two weeks left. I have not gone through all of the Becker Final Review software either, having just received it last week.

    So…..any experiences with Wiley and/or Becker. I know for BEC and AUD, the Wiley book helped a little–on IT and Substantive testing, respectively. Will take any advice generously.

    Thanks and good luck to all.


    leebird- if you have becker, i think focus only on Becker M/C. i would go to wiley for areas where i need more practice and/or if i have extra time. also the sims are great in Wiley, again my theory is do sims if i have time to study. good luck!


    Thank you Mpofu:-)


    Leebird, I mixed and matched Wiley and Becker, and moved completely to Wiley when my Becker expired. If you have time – do Becker's plan – they are very organized. Lectures, MCQ several times, maybe simulations.

    If you don't have time and just wanna learn from MCQ – Wiley is very good because they have plenty and the explanations are very thorough. Also, you can always find an example of every possible concept in Wiley's book – Becker doesn't have that.


    Anyone think Wave 1 might be released this week, or is the guess still next week sometime? The wait is killing me, especially since I am taking BEC a week from today.

    FAR - WAITING!!!

    75 to pass

    Ya I have definitely been wondering about when they were going to release wave 1 scores….This wait is brutal. Wasn't the first thought that they might be released today? If anyone has any idea, i would appreciate it.


    I heard this morning that the best guess for the AICPA BEC release is Wednesday.

    My free score release FAQ e-book could clear up some confusion:


    Hello REG friends. I'm taking REG 8/27 and right now I'm re-studying lecture R-1 (Becker) and re-doing the homework problems. I'm having some difficulty distinguishing which “transactions” (for lack of a better term right now) are classified as itemized deductions, deductions, exemptions, etc. Anyone have any helpful hints on how to study/memorize this? These little tricks keep throwing me off in my homework questions.

    Any advice is much appreciated! Thanks! And good luck to everyone waiting for REG scores…I'm waiting for BEC 🙂


    bmw – These can be tricky, so unfortunately there are some things you will have to commit to memory. Exemptions are standard dollars amounts that each tax payer gets to claim for themself as well as any dependents. Just think of the exemption as a per person standard amount (keep in mind they can be phased out, but I doubt they would test on the dollar amounts). Then you have above the line deductions, such as alimony paid, student loan interest, etc. These are items that reduce your AGI. (They adjust your income). Next you have your standard deduction or you can itemize your deduction. For itemized, you will have to memorize, but the main ones are mortgage interest, real estate taxes, charity and medical. I highly suggest studying the actual tax forms, both the 1040 and the schedule A. Just looking them over will help you understand where the adjustments, exemptions and deductions are used and what they do for the tax payer.

    FAR - WAITING!!!

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