REG Tomorrow

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  • #1940419

    Hey all,

    I’m taking reg for the first time tomorrow, i’m hoping and praying this is my last exam as I start Big4 next week. I feel very confident about MCQ but I do not feel well about sims at all. I’ve done Becker, Wiley, and the AICPA practice test sims but it seems like my strategy just isn’t working, there’s always a little piece of information or theory i’m missing. When I took audit the sims on the practice exam were a good indication of the what the sims represented on the actual exam. Anyone have a similar experience with reg? I remember feeling like this for FAR but passed with an 82 and a “comparable” in the sims category breakdown. Has anyone else felt like this going into the exam but ended up okay?

    Thanks for all your input!

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  • #1940440

    I'm sure you will be fine.
    Remember you get partial credit on SIMs, so even if you don't nail it 100% you should be okay.
    Don't freak out the day before the test. Just remember you studied hard, you prepared for this, you are ready.
    Go in there and give it your best shot. That's all you can do at this point.
    From what I remember the practice exams AICPA were similar in nature, but not necessarily volume. You will likely see some questions that resemble the AICPA samples.


    good luck. sending you some good vibes.


    I also agree that the Audit sims from becker resembles the actual exam. I had many attempts with REG exam and I think it was the Sims that was causing me to not pass the first three times. This is not to scare you the night before the test becasue I think your fine if you used Becker and supplemented with Wiley. For my fourth attempt, I mostly practiced Sims with Becker, Gleim, and Wiley. On exam day, there were some sims I can just use best judgement and kind of guessed (but was an educated guess and I knew it was probably right). I think the key is to not get caught up with time and fill in as many boxes as you can and go through the problems and then go back to the ones you have trouble with from that section. I keep track of the timer and try to pace myself so I usually would submit the third teslet (first round of simulations) once I see the timer is clicking down to like an hour 15 minutes just to make sure I have enough time to get through the remaining two sections of sims.


    Thank you all for your advice and words of encouragement! I took it earlier and the sims were doable with the authoritative literature. I’m pretty sure I got my research question and I could tell which sim was the pretest question because there was one that was way off. The first test of MCQ was pretty easy and the second was definitely harder. Hoping this is it for me!

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