REG study/test timing recommendations

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  • #3210386

    So planning on studying for REG in March/April. I’ll be taking some time off work to really dive into the material and hopefully pass.

    For those who are studying or have taken REG. If you took off 6 weeks and studied full time (8 hours a day of lectures/questions/notes) would you say this is enough time to pass? I’m definitely not good at cramming and honestly I’ve failed BEC twice and FAR once so I really don’t want another repeat of that.

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  • #3210419

    Wow. For sure, that'd be a lot of studying. Becker advises 120 hours for REG and you're listing 240.
    Personally, I've been studying for Reg full-ish time for 4 weeks, will be taking it Saturday, and feel fully prepped. My “full-ish” time really means ~3 hours of dedicated study per day if I'm honest with myself so it's a bit lower than Becker's advice but I also feel a little nervous.

    My wife did both REG & BEC in the same 4 weeks studying full-time.

    Don't be nervous about having enough time. If you follow the Becker method and actually study that much then I am confident you'll pass. Not so much if you watch TV while you're studying and otherwise goof off.


    I actually took another route–I wanted to give myself unrushed time, and since the pandemic has locked me into the house, I was given that time. I'm setting aside one hour a day to read the UWorld Roger review books, and two hours at night for lectures. There are topics that are more perplexing for me, so I wanted to give myself more time on those.


    Hi! I'm sure you could make it happen, that sounds like plenty of time. I work full-time and currently study 3 hours after work per day and then 6 hours on Sat. and 6 hours on Sun. I sat for REG at the end of October and got a 73, but I'll be retaking it in less than a couple weeks. I didn't study well enough on the TBSs, so I felt a little lost when it came down to tracking the correct information I needed to complete the DRSs, and I recall there was one TBS that I had no idea how to tackle.

    I'm using UWorld Roger CPA review course and I didn't feel surprised by any of the MCQs, they did a good job covering everything that was on the exam. I just wish I had spent a little more time on those practice TBSs! Good luck to you!


    Definitely possible, but buckle down. You don't need to cram when you have good studying methods and can stay producive and efficient. Try not to get distracted, studying a few different ways might help – i.e. reading the book/watching lectures, taking notes, testing yourself with MCQs/Sims, reviewing outlines, etc. This forum is chock full of good study tips others have used. Try things out and find what works best for you. In my mind you can never have too much time to study if you use your time right. Good luck!

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