In regards to SIMS. I’ll say to you and all the other Q4 testers…my take-away from what I experienced yesterday is this: If I had to do it over again (in a week or two) knowing what I know now, I would simply focus ONLY on what I DON’T FULLY COMPREHEND. Be honest with yourself. If you’re getting the answers right simply because you know that you’ve seen the question before but you TRULY don’t know why all the other choices are wrong…DIG DEEPER. For instance, if you’re unclear about how an S-Corp at-risk-basis increases/decreases vs the at-risk-basis of a Partnership or C-Corp, then pick up your book and start reviewing the DETAILS. SIMS are all about truly knowing HOW and WHY this rule applies.
I’ve already said too much. Best of luck gang.
Oh, before I forget…I’m supposed to be taking AUD in late NOV but I’m still feeling the adrenaline from all this REG study anxiety, stress, false hope and partial relief from finally taking the exam that I’ve decided to throw BEC into the mix before Q1-2015. I’m going to study 4hrs/day=76hrs, 8hrs/wknd=48hrs for the next 3 weeks and if I feel comfortable enough, I’ll take it (BEC) on 10/31, then do the same for AUD. I think 124hrs of study should suffice unless you-all think otherwise???? For those who’ve already cleared the BEC hurdle, any advice would be much appreciated (not now though—I need you all to stay focused)