REG Study Group Q4 2014 - Page 29

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  • #629584

    Thanks @KingCoffee for posting your experience!! It doesn't sound too horrible (I've been freaking out a little about this one). I was actually going through an individual AMT schedule this morning (my client owed so I was redoing the calculation).

    AUD - 99
    BEC - 97
    REG - 91
    FAR - 1/8/16

    Mary 2496

    Sounds like it went decent. Yep — the reg sims totally suck well-water. Best of luck on your scores!


    Thanks Mary! That comment “Sims suck well-water” actually made me laugh out loud at work while drinking my coffee…there’s goes another tie ruined. Oh well, If I passed REG, perhaps I’ll be able to afford a (BETTER) one.

    LN_CPA to be

    King Coffee – if you don't mind sharing, what were your scores on Ninja going into the exam? I'm trending in the 80s for the topics but still don't feel I actually know as much as I need to to pass. Also not sure if my scores are skewed at all from doing groups of trouble questions where I had a bunch memorized. Really stressed out about this one and struggling to turn the stress into motivation :/


    @ LN_CPA to be

    Well here's some actual motivation for you. I was trending 75.19%


    @LN_CPA to be

    Granted. I have no idea what my score is but what ever it turns out to be…MCQ's on the exam were certainly not the reason for a negative outcome.

    Mary 2496

    @ king – sorry about the tie. :)))

    I took reg. a few months ago and actually passed the freaking MCQ. I got a 73. When my score report came back, it showed comparable to others in MCQ and weaker in sims. Two lousy points because of the sims, which looked like they came from Jupiter.

    Ah well … retake next Monday.


    @king did you do the practice exams in Becker? how many questions in Becker and in ninja did you do?

    LN_CPA to be

    Thanks King Coffee! I guess I'll just keep hammering away at the multiple choice and hope I learn enough from that to apply to the sims. It sucks there isn't a better way, or maybe I should say a way at all, to prep for the sims so you don't feel like you got the wind knocked out of you when you get to that part of the exam.

    Don't assume it'll be a negative outcome for you though! Your brain probably knew more than you realized when you were answering them! Best of luck with score release and Audit next month!!


    I agree with Coffee King. I took REG yesterday also (Oct 6). It was a retake from a 68 in July…..all I can say is MCQ were not so bad….SIMS were awful!! They were awful in July…..I can say that some of the SIMS directions are kind of vague and could be easily misinterpreted…..I can only pray now that I got at least a 75….but who knows!


    Thanks King Coffee for sharing your exam experience. The simulations are making me so nervous. Everyone says they come totally out of left field – so there's no way to study for them. I'm planning on doing all 69 Ninja sims too, but it sounds like that wasn't super useful 🙁 do you still recommend doing them?

    My exam is in just under two weeks and I'm currently trending 75% on Ninja MCQ. Hopefully I can boost that up to around 80-85% before exam day.

    BEC - 72, 82! ✓
    FAR - 80! ✓
    AUD - 70, 92! ✓
    REG - 74, 78! ✓

    Licensed CPA 5/2015



    In regards to SIMS. I’ll say to you and all the other Q4 testers…my take-away from what I experienced yesterday is this: If I had to do it over again (in a week or two) knowing what I know now, I would simply focus ONLY on what I DON’T FULLY COMPREHEND. Be honest with yourself. If you’re getting the answers right simply because you know that you’ve seen the question before but you TRULY don’t know why all the other choices are wrong…DIG DEEPER. For instance, if you’re unclear about how an S-Corp at-risk-basis increases/decreases vs the at-risk-basis of a Partnership or C-Corp, then pick up your book and start reviewing the DETAILS. SIMS are all about truly knowing HOW and WHY this rule applies.

    I’ve already said too much. Best of luck gang.

    Oh, before I forget…I’m supposed to be taking AUD in late NOV but I’m still feeling the adrenaline from all this REG study anxiety, stress, false hope and partial relief from finally taking the exam that I’ve decided to throw BEC into the mix before Q1-2015. I’m going to study 4hrs/day=76hrs, 8hrs/wknd=48hrs for the next 3 weeks and if I feel comfortable enough, I’ll take it (BEC) on 10/31, then do the same for AUD. I think 124hrs of study should suffice unless you-all think otherwise???? For those who’ve already cleared the BEC hurdle, any advice would be much appreciated (not now though—I need you all to stay focused)


    What do I need to know about the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 for REG!?!?!? Any thoughts?


    Here is a good summary…

    But your review course should contain everything you need to know.

    AUD - 99
    BEC - 97
    REG - 91
    FAR - 1/8/16


    So I just took a practice exam and scored about 80%, which I am not happy with. 🙁 I have got to pass this exam and this is just too close for comfort.

    AUD = 85
    FAR = 79
    BEC = 79
    REG = 65, 72, 75!

    I AM DONE!!

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