REG Study Group Q4 2014 - Page 27

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    @mary @ronster you will never feel prepared no matter how much you study. That's the point with these exams-absorb as much as you can and apply it on exam day. Ronster were testing on the same day 🙂 goodluck to you both we can do it!

    I have a Becker SIM question: R3-SIM 4 (first set of SIMS there's 3 different sets!) for the failure-to-pay penalty and interest where are they getting 3 months from and why are they using 3 months?

    Mary 2496

    Because it was due in March and then an extension was filed. It was actually filed in May. They're using dates of an extension filed March 13th and it being filed May 24th, so they're figuring March (1 month) April (2 months) May (part of a 3rd month) and using three months for it.


    I know, but it's like I'm not as sharp as I was the first time around. The last time around for 4 weeks I was studying from the moment I got out of work til 12 and just got a 73…largely due to the SIMS as I got strongers and comparables and only one weaker on my score assessment. I just don't want to take this a third time. And I'm going away Friday after the exam. I'm just debating pushing this into November before Thanksgiving. Although, I don't know what my approach would be.



    the dates are probably full anyways- not extension for thanksgiving and its Q4. And you have to take into account your memory span the longer you drag the exam out the more likely you are to forget the older info….something to think about 🙂

    Thanks mary I'm loosing it!

    Mary 2496

    Nah, no trouble. I think we're all losing it. 🙂


    For anyone who took REG this testing window, how did you think the MC was? I am nervous because I found it far to easy. I was expecting much worse. I thought I did much worse than my score on the other 3, so I am afraid that my over confidence will bite me. I finished with an hour on the clock.

    FAR 87
    BEC 87
    AUD 90
    REG ?? 10/3/14


    Looking at your other scores you probably killed it.

    Mary 2496

    I took REG in the last window and the MCQ was also on the light side, IMO. I actually freaking passed the MCQ and lost too many points on the sims, ending with a 73. Rematch next Monday.

    Best of luck, sounds like you did great!


    Wow, REG in 2 hours! Hopefully you passed. I freaked myself out with that thought process when I took AUD (thought I did really well on the MCQ, and was wondering if that meant that I actually failed – stupid CPA exam), but in reality I killed it. So try to forget about it for now, I would bet that you did pass 🙂

    BEC - 72, 82! ✓
    FAR - 80! ✓
    AUD - 70, 92! ✓
    REG - 74, 78! ✓

    Licensed CPA 5/2015


    For those who have asked for a summary of basis… I am starting a new thread. Hopefully this will help us all!!!

    AUD - 99
    BEC - 97
    REG - 91
    FAR - 1/8/16


    Hi Guys,

    can anyone please tell me if this is the correct approach/order to learn for the Individual taxation module & answering the questions. It's pretty big/ intimidating so If anyone could tell me if this is all I need/what I am missing I would really appreciate it 🙂

    1)Components of income:

    schedules B-F


    alimony received

    taxable state/local refunds


    social security


    pensions and annuities

    2) refundable credits:

    withholding taxes

    earned income credit

    american opportunity credit

    child tax credit

    excess social security paid

    3)non-refundable credits:

    general bus credit

    retirement plan contribution credit

    adoption credit

    child and dependant care credit

    elderly/disabled credit

    foreign tax credit

    long term unused minimum tax credit

    lifetime learning credit

    4)adjustments to 1040 (deductibles):

    student loan interest

    health savings account


    interest withdrawal penalty

    moving expenses

    alimony paid

    self employed health insurance (deduct 100%)

    self employed retirement

    domestic production activities deduction

    1/2 self employment FICA

    paid attorney fees – discrimination/whistleblower

    5)Schedule A:

    charitable contributions

    other misc expenses

    misc in excess of 2% AGI



    theft casualty

    6) misc 2%:

    bus gifts

    educational expenses

    bus use of home

    employment agency fees


    bus exp – unreimbursed

    expenses of investors

    subscriptions to professional journals

    tax prep fees

    7) exemptions:

    no joint returns

    US citizen

    household member or related

    existed during the year

    support of more than 50%

    taxable income less than threshold

    8) Taxes:

    real estate


    personal property


    9) interest:

    home mortgage



    I also added info on dividends and E&P for C corps…

    AUD - 99
    BEC - 97
    REG - 91
    FAR - 1/8/16


    Anyone have a good, concise explanation of Accumulated Adjustment Account? I'm finding this concept hard to wrap my head around and I specifically remember there was a question dealing with this on the last exam I took.

    AUD = 85
    FAR = 79
    BEC = 79
    REG = 65, 72, 75!

    I AM DONE!!


    So basically AAA is ordinary income (line 1 on the K-1) plus all the other income items on a K-1 (lines 2-10) (if its not on line one, its separately stated) less all the separately stated expenses (lines 11-12). Basically, study a K-1. Everything in that first column goes into AAA.

    Ordinary Income

    +/- Separately stated Items

    – Distributions

    = AAA

    AUD - 99
    BEC - 97
    REG - 91
    FAR - 1/8/16


    Anybody in need of Becker REG materials and wanting to exchange BEC Becker materials? Let me know!

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