REG Study Group Q4 2014 - Page 26

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  • #629539

    @Evwy_Mom – great job!!! – You are correct!

    @cpastudent – the purchase of real estate (land and buildings – which are mid-month convention and section 1250 assets) do not affect the determination of the mid-year and mid-quarter convention, like the additional purchase of section 1245 (shorter-lived) assets. I got that question about real estate and other assets purchased wrong too on my first try.

    AUD - 99
    BEC - 97
    REG - 91
    FAR - 1/8/16


    @rzrbkfaith – adding on to the question about section 1245 and 1250 property that cpastudent22 posted, see if my reasoning is sound: Purchase of real property doesn't trigger the 40% rule because it already uses the mid-month convention; So, in essence, the IRS isn't as concerned about too much depreciation being taken because of the longer life?

    AUD = 85
    FAR = 79
    BEC = 79
    REG = 65, 72, 75!

    I AM DONE!!


    And thanks! 🙂 I love talking these questions out, it helps me understand what I'm doing!

    AUD = 85
    FAR = 79
    BEC = 79
    REG = 65, 72, 75!

    I AM DONE!!


    You are most welcome. It keeps me on my toes too! So on answer to your 1245/1250 question, pretty much yes. They have differing conventions so you wouldn't mix the two. Using mid-month convention is actually more advantageous in most cases to the taxpayer, but because of the long lives, you're getting very little difference in depreciation. It's just another rule to make the exam more fun!

    AUD - 99
    BEC - 97
    REG - 91
    FAR - 1/8/16


    Just sat for BEC on October 1st. If I get news my REG section on 11/26 will be it!

    Keep the discussion going about relevant REG topics, it is good stuff.

    Lets go everyone!


    Just heard from my state board… my NTS won't be ready until Friday because the director is out so I will have to wait to take my test next Monday. I'm a little disappointed, because I was ready to move on to FAR, but hopefully this will give me the opportunity to really rock REG… at least one can hope! I guess this is what I get for procrastinating on signing up for REG. Oh well. May move FAR from 11/14 to 11/29…

    AUD - 99
    BEC - 97
    REG - 91
    FAR - 1/8/16


    Bond and Spear orally agreed that Bond would buy a car from Spear for $475. Bond paid Spear a $100 deposit. The next day, Spear received an offer of $575, the car's fair market value. Spear immediately notified Bond that Spear would not sell the car to Bond and returned Bond's $100. If Bond sues Spear and Spear defends on the basis of the statute of frauds, Bond will probably:


    lose, because the agreement was for less than the fair market value of the car.


    win, because the agreement was for less than $500.


    lose, because the agreement was not in writing and signed by Spear.

    Incorrect D.

    win, because Bond paid a deposit.

    You answered D. The correct answer is B.

    If Bond (the buyer) sues Spear (the seller), Bond will probably win because the agreement was for less than $500. Since this problem deals with the sale of goods (here, a car), the Uniform Commercial Code's Statute of Frauds would be applicable. If the sale of a good involves an amount of $500 or more, then a writing is required to have an enforceable agreement. However, the amount involved in this case was only $475. Therefore, the disputant, Bond, does not need to have a writing to sue for breach of contract. Under the facts of the case, they reached an oral agreement, and the buyer gave the seller a $100 deposit. When the seller received a higher offer, the seller breached the contract by refusing to sell the car to Bond. There is sufficient evidence in the fact that the seller accepted the deposit to prove that they had a valid and enforceable oral agreement.

    lets say that Bond didn't pay Spear the $100 deposit would it still be an enforceable contract and Bond would win?


    No, it wouldn't have been, because either party can back out.

    This question is tricky. The deposit is what really made that contract enforceable, but the question asks for a reason within the statue of frauds. The $500 answer is the only reason that fall under the statute of frauds…

    AUD - 99
    BEC - 97
    REG - 91
    FAR - 1/8/16


    ahhh… nice call I didn't realize the statue of frauds part 🙂


    how is everyone studying for SIMS? I feel like their is so vast number of things that can show up as SIMS that it's almost pointless it even bother! It's like looking for a needle in a haystack.

    pia ach

    Just back home after giving FAR..and now on to regulation..cleared it in my first attempt last year but thanks to FAR lost the credit…I do not remember anything about my exam so I really got to start afresh…taking a break today and from tomorrow back to being miserable :)..good luck to everyone giving their exam this week!

    @mamabear hi! I scheduled my exam for 26th…full time student so I hope that's enough time…when are you giving?

    Finally done!!! Experience-pending. Ethics- Pending.
    Reg 78 / 73/82.
    Aud 74/89.
    BEC 72 /78.
    FAR 74/ 73/ 82.


    I agree the whole exam is a crap shoot lol. I only look at the SIMS for certain topics that I'm not 100% sure of or comfortable with, it helps to work them through.

    FAR 5/31/14 - 86
    AUD 7/28/14 - 94
    REG 10/1/14 - 89
    BEC 11/10/14 - 88

    Mary 2496

    I've been mainly using Becker and they have sims for each main chapter, so I've just been studying those. With each section, it really is hard to determine what the sims will be. The only thing that's guaranteed about them is that they will suck, big-time. I already took REG once (got a 73). I felt like almost every sim fell straight down from Jupiter and was in their language.


    I'm retaking this exam on Friday and I feel much less prepared than the first time around. I'm debating whether to reschedule this. I'm using Becker, and got a 62 on the practice exam 🙁 I do well on the homework questions but there are certain law topics I'm not going crazy with. I don't know if I should just wing it and take it Friday or push it. Thoughts?


    Mary 2496

    I am in the same boat as you. I got a 73 the 1st time I took it too, and am scheduled for a retake on Mon. I don't feel as prepared as I want to be but I plan on hitting it hard all week, starting tonight. Maybe you could increase your study time over the next few days to feel more prepared? I thought about pushing mine back too, but I'd really hate to because I'd lose even more knowledge. I am one of those people that has to test while it's fresh or I have to basically relearn it.

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