If you're using Becker material, page R1-4 which is the individual taxation schedule should be a good starting point as to what “above the line deductions” are as well as adjustments TO arrive at Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) vs. adjustments FOR AGI. On that page you should write your own acronyms to help you remember the above the line deductions vs. below the line. Ex. MOHAWKS helps me to remember standard deductions and SITCOM helps me to remember itemized deductions.
Above the line deduction (aka standard deduction)
M – Moving Expenses
O – One half of self-employment / Self-employment health insurance
H – HSA / IRA contributions
A – Alimony
W – Withdrawal penalty (interest)
K – Keogh
S – Student Loan Interest expense
Below the Line deduction (aka itemized deductions only taken if this amt. exceeds std. deductions)
S – State/Local taxes
I – Interest expense (home/investment)
T – Theft & Casualty Losses
C – Charitable contributions
O – Other miscellaneous deductions (subject to/not subject 2% of AGI)
M – Medical (in excess of 10% of AGI)