REG Study Group – Q3 2018 - Page 4

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    1. September 2018
    2. I won't say a topic – but it scares me that I can remember many REG concepts
    3. Study tip – Keep revising the topics again and again and do test yourself. This has really helped me in my CPA exams.

    Austin H

    Hi everyone.
    I've been lurking in these forums for the past couple months. You guys have helped me figure out a lot of MCQs that I otherwise wouldn't have understood.
    When are you taking your exam? I'll be taking REG sometime late this July.
    What exam topic keeps you awake at night? I've been struggling with Individual Taxation, at least according to my Ninja MCQ scores. It's been difficult for me to remember what is and isn't includable in AGI and a lot of those questions seem designed to stump me.
    One study or career tip. One tip I have is to check out a freeware flashcard program called Anki. I found it very useful when studying for BEC and I'm curious to know if any of you have used it already.


    I am starting to study for REG and planning to take it by middle of August. Do you think is this plenty of time. Thanks 🙂


    When are you taking your exam? End of Quarter (if necessary)

    What exam topic keeps you awake at night? With REG I think its just the amount of topics you need to cover.

    One study or career tip others might find helpful. Dont get complacent. If you want something then go after it.


    Hi! My name is Chad. I
    Scheduled to take my exam July 3rd!


    Hi all! I took REG on June 9th and can empathize with many that have commened on the challenges with the TBS. I felt prepared going in as I put in extra effort given a passing score could mean im done, but walked out feeling terrible. One TBS was totally out of left field which I'm hoping for partial credit on, and two others in the last testlet I totally bombed. If I had more time, I likely could've gave it a better attempt. Overall, I felt surprised far too often given the amount of studying put in using both Roger and Ninja materials.

    I took the last week off studying (which was amazing), but due to the large amount of material and little details to remember with REG, I need to keep it fresh. Thus, yesterday I began reviewing/editing my notes and jumped back into MCQ sessions. Having to continue my studies makes the waiting period that much worse!


    @TerriSilva – Can you share the differences you've found between Wiley CPAExcel and Ninja Assualt?

    I had wanted to turn to Wiley but they discontinued including multiple choice and TBS's in the printed material, forcing one to buy the course to get access online.


    When are you taking your exam? Mid-Late July 2018

    What exam topic keeps you awake at night? AMT, so many different things to memorize/keep straight

    One study or career tip others might find helpful. I find doing a little bit of studying each day has been way more effective than trying to do heaps of studying in one day.


    Entering the giveaway…

    I sat for REG 6/7/18 and waiting on score release. I left the testing center with no confidence so started studying for REG to retake early July.

    When are you taking your exam? REG Early July, haven't set date yet…waiting on score release for 2nd quarter.
    What exam topic keeps you awake at night? Property transactions and business law
    One study or career tip others might find helpful. I feel what has helped me is using the Cornell Notes. I feel like I narrow down the facts versus writing the whole book because I'm afraid I will miss something.

    AUD – NINJA in Training
    BEC – NINJA in Training
    FAR – NINJA in Training
    REG – NINJA Pending


    When are you taking your exam?
    I sat May 11, waiting to here. I left the testing center feeling sad and defeated but hoping for the best and would retake early August…

    What exam topic keeps you awake at night?
    C and S corps and then some B-law….

    One study or career tip others might find helpful.
    You have to really want it, study hard, pray, and Never give up. Also dont ask everyone else what to do or what works because everyone is different and their study methods are different too. Sometimes you just need to find it in yourself 🙂 Happy studying!


    When are you taking your exam?
    July 2018

    What exam topic keeps you awake at night?
    When I tried REG the first time, I got hurt on Estate Law and estimated tax payments

    One study or career tip others might find helpful.
    When I study something, I try to apply the material for my actual or imaginary situation – i.e. how much money can I “steal” from IRS if I know how to apply specific rule))))


    When are you taking your exam? August 19
    What exam topic keeps you awake at night? Corporation Taxes
    One study or career tip others might find helpful. “Practice Makes Perfect.” I struggle with taking practice questions because I don't like seeing low scores. But I know if I keep practicing, I will get better.


    I took REG on June 9th and receive my score June 28th. If I do not pass, I will be sitting for REG again either at the end of July or August (depending on my score). If I pass, I will move on to FAR because my first part expires in January.
    Property Transactions seems to be a topic I tend to struggle with.
    I believe time management and discipline are key.


    Hi! I'm hoping to take REG in July if I ever get my NTS! I use Roger for my CPA exam prep but I've been reading into the forum to see how useful NINJA would be to supplement it.

    I have a really silly question but I'm trying to understand…if I'm taking REG in July of 2018, are 2017 tax numbers being tested? Or 2018? For example, gift exclusion amount moved from $14,000 in 2017 to $15,000 in 2018. What do I need to know?

    The most helpful study tip that I can think of is to tell your friends and family the importance of studying and ask them to help you keep on track. When my fiancé sees me on my phone during my study time, he'll remind me of my goal.

    Thank you!


    Hi Christina, don't get caught up in the amounts, just know how to apply the concepts. If a question involves an amount that changes from year to year, it should be provided in the question on the real exam (it might not be in whatever study materials you use).

    The examiners want to see if you know how the concepts work, not if you can remember numbers that change slightly every single year. Our professor said the only exception to this is active RRE since the phase-out for it never changes.

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