REG Study Group Q2 2015 - Page 227

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    Welcome to the Q2 2015 CPA Exam Study Group for REG.

    “Death and Taxes” – Individual Tax for the CPA Exam

    Posted by Another71 on Monday, November 24, 2014

    Free NINJA:

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    I am doing terrible on ninja sims, mostly because of phaseouts


    Are you guys remembering the exemption amounts for trusts? Had a couple questions like that on Ninja.

    edit – fairly certain I'll remember them but if everyone thinks they're necessary I'll make sure to pass over them real quick before the exam.

    FAR - 86
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    you can use the AL to look up for phase out . i did that

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    without checking i remember 100, 300, 600

    i'd say 100 complex trust, 300 – simple, 600 estate?


    do they only have IRC for AL? I don't see any phaseouts there. I was trying to find one for student loans but there was just some nonsense


    I failed my 1st REG, and now study for second time. What gets my head is – non-qualified stock =just do not get that staff. Any idea???


    anjanja I think that's correct

    @capri – it's one of those things you just have to remember the old fashioned way. Here are my notes on it:

    1) Incentive Stock Option (aka qualified, i think)

    Completely ignore it until the stock is actually sold. So nothing happens on the grant date or exercise date. Once the stock is sold, it will be either a LTCG or (See below posts, the ordinary income part was wrong in this one)

    To be a LTCG, it must have been held for 2 years since the grant date, and 1 year since the exercise date. So the fastest way you could get a LTCG from it would be Granted on 1/1/20X1, Exercised 1/1/20X2, Sold 1/2/20X3.

    2) Non-qualifed Stock Option

    At the grant date, you once again ignore it. However, at the exercise date you recognize ordinary income.

    The ordinary income = (FMV of stock price at exercise date – exercise price) x # of shares exercised

    Now, any time you resell it after the exercise date it is automatically a capital gain.

    Also, for both of these, the corporation may deduct the portion that is ordinary income (I assume as salary expense but I don't have that specified in my notes)

    EDIT – I just thought of this, to remember it think of qualified/incentive stock options as being an INCENTIVE to hang onto the stock because if you hold it long enough, it will be a LTCG. So you are incentivized to hold the stock longer than the non-qualified, so it has the longest waiting time for LTCG (2 yrs from grant date & 1 yr from exercise date)

    FAR - 86
    REG - 83
    AUD - 97
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    This was my understanding of ISO vs. NSO

    NSO taxed when exercised, holding period 1 year from exercise date, 2 years from when granted (although holding period 1 year from exercise date doesn't make sense, I am not sure here)

    ISO not taxed when exercised, but when sold, BUT included in AMT when exercised. Holding period is the same

    + there are million of tiny details


    Ah okay I looked it up. CPAexcel says that if the ISO meets the 2 yr/1yr requirement, then it's only taxable as a LTCG upon sale.

    But if the 2yr/1yr test fails, treat it exactly like a NSO, where you have ordinary income on the exercise date and then STCG upon sale.

    The holding period limits seem a bit strange, but the idea is that they want it to be at least 2 yrs before you can receive LTCG treatment. Its an incentive to hold the stock. However, if your exercise date isn't until 1.75 years after the grant date, they also want the standard rule of holding for >1 yr to receive a LTCG to hold true.

    I need to review AMT & M-1s, definitely my weakest subject in the taxation side of things. I have a decent chance at surviving MCQs on them but SIMs will be rough for those. Any good tips/notes for those?

    FAR - 86
    REG - 83
    AUD - 97
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    omg so bored, stop it with stock haha

    yeah, practice some SIMs


    I am asking b/s I had on actual exam and got totally confused. It was something like you got 400 than you exercised than you sold 200 and later sold another 200 so many staff – basis, gain, employer recognition hrhrhrhr


    m1 is very easy. What ever is included in book income as deduction and which is not allowed in tax you should add so it bumps up taxable income and vice versa…. if you keep thinking what is allowed as per tax and what has been done in the books and do the adjustment you will get it . Some of them are permanent differences and some of them are temporary. Permanent difference would be something like tax exempt income included in books as income but for tax purpose you are not going to consider it as income so if you are going from book income to tax income you will deduct them since they need not be included. You don't need to memorize

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    just looked NSO up on IRS website, there is too much. FMV identifiable, not identifiable etc.

    my problem with this test in general is that they try to simplify things to make them work for MCQ format, while not everything can be simplified. So often I just feel that something doesn't fit right or make sense and I start reading and confuse myself, getting stuck in details. Not sure what would be more reasonable approach


    This was SIM question and quite confusing.


    should we read Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) /RICO etc…what the hell are those. i think i ignored during my study session.

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