REG Study Group Q2 2015 - Page 226

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    “Death and Taxes” – Individual Tax for the CPA Exam

    Posted by Another71 on Monday, November 24, 2014

    Free NINJA:

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    well it was one of Ninja Simulation ……i am doing random simulations now . My whole answer was wrong due to that assumption and that frustated me.

    BEC Passed
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    Did he leave her Feb 14? If so, MFJ. If he left her 12/31 or earlier, then Head of Household. I think filing status for an individual is determined on the last day of the tax year.

    FAR - 86
    REG - 83
    AUD - 97
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    yeah, in my book it says gross income test (and joint return test) doesn't apply, but there has to be 50% support


    On IRS site it does say ‘You can choose married filing jointly as your filing status if you are considered married and both you and your spouse agree to file a joint return.' Does he agree?


    Individual have upto 3000/- Capital loss deduction right? will it offset Capital gains first and than balance we can deduct upto 3000/-?

    CA Candidate
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    i was doing sim #28 and it expected me to know travel reimb rate. You said we won't be asked that?


    Isn't travel reimbursement allowed so long as >50% of days are for business purposes? Is there a more specific #?

    FAR - 86
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    AUD - 97
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    What is the best way to memorize how to apply the Dividends Received Deduction when the Corporation has experienced an operating loss? It's pretty straightforward to apply the DRD when there is net profit available but when there is a loss it gets a little tricky.

    Good luck to everyone taking the exam this weekend! Thanks!


    Meddik, there is rate of 0.565 per mile that's allowed for business expenses



    from Roger's notes

    DRD < TI before DRD < Dividend income



    DRD is limited to: Taxable income x DRD % used

    Take your taxable income, and subtract the full DRD amount. If the number is negative, use the full DRD amount. If you have a NOL to begin with, use the full DRD amount.

    If taxable income – full DRD does not give you a NOL, then you must compute the limit. Take your taxable income x DRD % (70, 80, or 100). Now use the lower of that limit or the full DRD for your deduction.

    FAR - 86
    REG - 83
    AUD - 97
    BEC -


    Head of Household

    Considered unmarried.

    You are considered unmarried on the last day of the tax year if you meet all the following tests.

    – You file a separate return. A separate return includes a return claiming married filing separately, single, or head of household filing status.

    – You paid more than half the cost of keeping up your home for the tax year.

    – Your spouse did not live in your home during the LAST 6 MONTHS of the tax year. Your spouse is considered to live in your home even if he or she is temporarily absent due to special circumstances. See Temporary absences , later.

    – Your home was the main home of your child, stepchild, or foster child for more than half the year. (See Qualifying person , later, for rules applying to a child's birth, death, or temporary absence during the year.)

    – You must be able to claim an exemption for the child. However, you meet this test if you cannot claim the exemption only because the noncustodial parent can claim the child using the rule described later in Special rule for divorced or separated parents (or parents who live apart) under Exemptions for Dependents. The general rules for claiming an exemption for a dependent are shown in Table 3.


    Thanks Anna…you have been of a great help..good luck for ur test on sat.

    CA Candidate
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    Aud: Surprised me...Thanks
    BEC: 75% work done
    REG: It's 80 but I am 100% done 🙂



    You don't need to know the travel reimbursement. They will give it in the resource tab during the exam. I work for corporate so i just know IRS rates for all the years. We use them to claim personal mileage.

    BEC Passed
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