REG Study Group Q2 2015 - Page 222

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    Welcome to the Q2 2015 CPA Exam Study Group for REG.

    “Death and Taxes” – Individual Tax for the CPA Exam

    Posted by Another71 on Monday, November 24, 2014

    Free NINJA:

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  • #680544

    didato, not counteroffer, but inquiry


    @anjanja… Best luck on your REG exam. Go and get another 80s!!

    We are waiting for u on BEC study group…

    FAR - 77 x2 Wiley book & no test bank
    AUD - 83 x3 NINJA Test bank 3 time
    REG - 80 x1 NINJA Test bank
    BEC - 78 X2 NINJA Test bank ..done!!promesa cumplida mama -que llege al cielo 🙂
    Ethic 100% Licensed VA CPA


    anjanja – thanks – that makes sense!

    REG: 5/30/15 - 77
    FAR: TBD
    BEC: 8/31/15 - 70, 73, 1/8/16 - 77
    AUD: 6/1/16- 73, 8/2/16


    thanks Sandia!


    I really hope I'm wrong about the test kicking my butt! But I'd be just fine with a 75. 🙂


    Anita, did you feel prepared?


    Exam time allocation

    i am thinking of allocating 30 /30/30/ 65 and 10 minutes extra if needed.

    Any one else planning to do it differently?

    BEC Passed
    FAR Passed
    AUD Passed
    REG Passed


    Can someone tell me why the rental period DOES NOT count as nonqualified use?

    Chris and Jennifer purchased their home in California on January 15, Year 1, for $160,000. During their ownership they made no capital improvements. On August 1, Year 4, the couple moved to Virginia from California and rented out that home. On June 30, Year 6; the couple contracted to sell the California rental home for $437,500. For the calendar Year 6, the couple will file a joint tax return. Disregarding any depreciation recapture rules, how should they treat the sale of the home for tax purposes?

    Answer: Realized gain of $277,500; not taxable due to the home exclusion. Disregarding any depreciation recapture, Chris and Jennifer have a realized gain of $277,500. For tax purposes, this gain will not be recognized on their Year 6 tax return as it is excludable under the Homeowner's Exclusion. To qualify for the full exclusion of $500,000 for a joint return, the taxpayers must own and use the home as the principal residence for two years out of the five- year period ending on the date of the sale or exchange (and may not have any unqualified use after 2008).


    I felt prepared ‘enough', given I originally hadn't planned on taking the exam until beginning of July, but all I rushed through was ‘blaw' really. So that shouldn't have prevented me from being prepared given the weight of it compared to taxation.

    There's just SO much to remember!!!

    It only took me an hour and 45 minutes to take the exam though. So time allotment wasn't an issue for me.


    what you finished in 1.45 minutes? wow….i always hear people crying no time for REG…..Good for you.

    BEC Passed
    FAR Passed
    AUD Passed
    REG Passed



    I would think it's anything other that personal residence use. Vacation home, rental, meth lab, storage space


    I think I'm a fast test taker. lol


    @Anna, so the rental portion does not matter since she meet the 2 year residency requirement, right?

    @Anita, I am fast too. I finished FAR with 30 minutes to spare and I also had time to review all the answers on each testlet and was not rushing to finish the SIMs. I did fine so it is not necessarily a bad thing, I think some people are just faster.


    @Erika – They lived in the home 2 out of the last 5 years so they still qualified for the exemption.


    ErikaG28, not sure, they mention something about after 2008, i wonder what that is

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