REG Study Group Q2 2015 - Page 15

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  • #192517

    Welcome to the Q2 2015 CPA Exam Study Group for REG.

    “Death and Taxes” – Individual Tax for the CPA Exam

    Posted by Another71 on Monday, November 24, 2014

    Free NINJA:

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  • #677412

    @hunter sounds about right 🙂

    @angel yeah, I've been in review mode since the 1st, so about a month for me too.

    CPA, CFE
    CISA- Experience will be completed by August 2016


    @everyone Thanks for the replies. I'll focus a majority of my attention on the Tax based simulations.

    @Peterman25 I have access to the AICPA authoritative literature practice through my previous exams, however it only has the codification(FAR) and AICPA Auth literature(AUD). Does the website have IRC code lookup as well?

    I haven't received my NTS to register with REG yet.

    FAR: 85(11/22/2014) - Becker(full)/Ninja MCQ (5 day cram)
    AUD: 79 (2/1/2015) -Becker/Ninja MCQ/Ninja Notes
    REG: 84(4/19/2015) -Becker/Ninja MCQ/Ninja Notes
    BEC: 83 (7/13/2015) -Becker/Ninja MCQ/Ninja Notes

    Date I Got My Life Back!: 8/4/2015 🙂


    @gabe ty for the mnemonic. the only thing is that the T in shit and the E in dope are no longer applicable supposedly?


    @cpr I was confused by that comment. I looked at the 1040 and saw both of them still there,,,

    educator expenses- line 23

    tuition and fees- line 34

    CPA, CFE
    CISA- Experience will be completed by August 2016


    yea same…they must have put them back


    In the current year Tatum exchanged farmland for an office building. The farmland had a basis of $250,000, a fair market value (FMV) of $400,000, and was encumbered by a $120,000 mortgage. The office building had an FMV of $350,000 and was encumbered by a $70,000 mortgage. Each party assumed the other’s mortgage. What is the amount of Tatum’s recognized gain?

    Anyone breakdown the calculation for realized AND recognized gain? Just want to make sure I have it down…

    real- 350+120-250-70= 150

    rec= < of 150 and boot received…the answer says 120-70= 50k. Is this the case for all like kind exchanges with mortgages?

    CPA, CFE
    CISA- Experience will be completed by August 2016



    I think that we all feel the same way..there is soooo much information in REG and it feels like each piece of information has 3-4 little nuances to it. You have to know the right amount information about a lot of things. Definitely overwhelming. I feel the same right now as I did for studying for FAR. Just shaking my head and laughing about soooo much information. I sit on 4/20 and should start NINJA MCQ this weekend and hit it hard the rest of the way. I definitely felt much better about FAR after about 80 hours of MCQs.

    BEC 7/14 - PASS
    FAR 10/14 - PASS
    AUD 1/15 - PASS
    REG 4/15 - PASS

    AZ license - Official 8/20/2015


    @Peterman agreed. Especially if you're not in tax, all the little details can get overwhelming. Just keep pushing along 🙂

    CPA, CFE
    CISA- Experience will be completed by August 2016



    you can also do the JE to find the realized gain…but you will recognize the lower of realized or boot.

    dr asset new 350,000

    dr old mort 120,000

    cr asset old 250,000

    cr new mort 70,000

    cr real gain 150,000

    BEC 7/14 - PASS
    FAR 10/14 - PASS
    AUD 1/15 - PASS
    REG 4/15 - PASS

    AZ license - Official 8/20/2015


    Gabe..I like your idea of printing a 1040.

    I just did that and it will be taped to the bathroom mirror along with notes on what is above the line and what is not. Cant wait to go over it every morning. I'll probably end up doing that with a few more topics too.

    BEC 7/14 - PASS
    FAR 10/14 - PASS
    AUD 1/15 - PASS
    REG 4/15 - PASS

    AZ license - Official 8/20/2015


    I did that with the 1040, 1120, schedule A, 1120S- it's nice to have a visual 🙂

    CPA, CFE
    CISA- Experience will be completed by August 2016


    Gabe- In additon to Pete's response to your like-kind exchange question.

    Whenever a mortgage received is lesser than that contributed, the difference is considered boot received….if vice versa, then it is boot paid. This is always the case for all like-kind exchanges. Of course, a caveat to this rule is when a non-like kind property is received. This will also be considered boot to the extent of the FMV of the property received.

    AUD - DONE
    BEC - DONE
    REG - 04/04
    FAR - 05/30


    I know some people here are at the review phase. I'm currently half way through my second chapter in Becker. I study full time and my plan is to do two chapters a week. I have temporarily scheduled my exam for May 4th. Should I push it back further?

    Laura M.

    I am back! I was hoping I would not be in this group this Quarter! 🙂 But none the less, here I am! Good luck to all!

    FAR - 82
    AUD - 79 (lost credit), 75
    BEC - 76
    REG - 91

    CPAexcel and Ninja Notes and Ninja MCQ



    I am going to retake my reg exam too, I just rescheduled it to 4/11, I am currently in the half part of chapter 3. I think since we both study full time and it's not our first time to take this part, we should just study harder and focus more on weak areas. After reg, I still have 3 parts need to go 🙁

    REG - 69 8/31/2015
    FAR - 11/23/2015
    FAR - TBD
    AUD - TBD

    Work hard, enjoy life later

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