@tuwanda Those are very good points to differentiate. I think another confusion is, if I understand it correctly, personal property is anything other than real estate. So, furniture would be personal property to a business (assuming it is used in the business) and be a noncapital asset. The same furniture could be held as personal property to an individual (not used in a business) and be a capital asset.
Am I understanding this correctly?
Furthermore, to the business, the furniture would be depreciate over 7 years and be subject to 1231/1245 rules if held for more than 1 year. The business will recognize ordinary gain (Section 1245 gain) up to however much was depreciated (accumulated deprecation) on the furniture. Anything over accumulated depreciation is capital gain (Section 1231 gain).
Again, this is my understanding. If I am wrong, I disclaim any liability 🙂